As a Witness, you are constantly warned about being a lover of pleasure, rather than a lover of God. Do you fit into one of these catagories, now?
Are You A Lover Of Pleasure Rather Than A Lover Of God?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Are you you're limited to starting two threads per day Minimus?
Anyway, I actually don't fit into either exclusively. I don't much love God anyway. Never had a "personal relationship" with him. I didn't "love" doing stuff that is supposedly related to doing his will from the jw standpoint.
But I'm not a big pleasure-seaker either. I don't travel much, I don't buy much in the way of the latest gadgets, and though I face sexual temptation, my sex life is not very different from that of the average married guy.
My idea of pleasure, aside from good sex is a pleasant evening spend reading, watching TV, and maybe having a nice meal or eating dinner out. Plus, there's other rather everday experiences that I gain pleasure from. But I'd hate to think that makes me guilty of being a pleasure-seeker to the exclusion of God. Of course, from the jw standpoint, since I am doing that stuff and not "serving God" in the way they prescribe, I guess that makes me a lover of pleasure. Oh well.
Ooops, the first line was supposed to read: "Are you sure you're limited to starting two threads per day Minimus?"
To me, too many people focus on a God who wants them to deny themselves pleasure. Why would God do that? It's just my opinion, but I do think that I was put on earth to enjoy my life. I do so whenever possible. I think that many times pleasure, especially beauty, has enhanced my perception of God.
It is normal to seek pleasure. The witnesses are all dreaming about the nice wonderful life and everything that will be finally accessible in the new system. They imagine that they will have all sorts of material things. So even they put pleasure and material things before God.
We are first of all, physical beings with physical needs. That comes first, then we thank God for it.
I am well balanced, I think, 95% lover of pleasure, 5% lover of God.
Psalm 145 16 You open your hand;
you satisfy the desire of every living thing.Based on this scripture, I think you can be both.
since pleasure is the Unique, to reveal pleasure is itself a unique duty.
Under the charm of the Dionysian. Not only is the union, between man and man, reaffirmed but nature which has become alienated, hostile or subjugated celebrates once more her reconciliation with her lost son, man. Freely earth profits her gifts, and peacefully the beasts of prey of the rocks and desert approach. The chariot of Dionysus has covered with flowers and garlands, panthers and tigers walk under its yoke. Transform Beethoven's Hymn To Joy into a painting, let your imagination consieve the multitudes bowing to the dust, awestruck. Then you will approach the Dionysian.
Now the slave is a free man. Now all the rigid hostile barriers that necessity, caprice or impudent convention have fixed between man and man, are broken. Now, with the gospel of universal harmony each one reveals himself not only united reconciled and fused with his neighbour, but as one with with him.
As if the veil of Maya had been torn aside and were now merely flattering in tatters before the mysterious primordial unity. In song and in dance, pleasuredome expresses himself as a member of a higher community. He has forgotten how to walk and speak and his on the way toward flying into the air dancing. His very gestures express enchantment. Just as the animals now talk and the earth yields milk and honey, supernatural sounds eminate from him too. pleasuredome feels himself a god, he himself now walks about enchanted in ecstasy like the gods he saw walking in his dreams. He is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art.
In the paraxysms of intoxication the artistic power of all nature reveals itself to the highest gradification of the primordial unity. The noblest clay, the most costly marble,man, is here kneaded and cut. And to the sound of chisel strokes of Dionysian world artist rings out the cry of Elunysian mysteries. Do You prostrate Yourselves, millions? Do You sense Your Maker, world?
God gave us our life as a gift. If someone gives you a gift and you sit it on a shelf and allow it to collect dust, when that person comes to your house, they would feel hurt that you didn't care enough to enjoy their gift. It would be like telling them that your house is so small right now that you wanted to wait and enjoy their gift when you bought a bigger house. How disrespectful that would be! Yet we are to put our lives on a shelf, let our life collect dust, make it through, and just keep surviving until this old system ends and a new one begins, how disrespectful to God! He gave us a beautiful gift of life, I am sure he wants us to enjoy it. I love pleasure and happiness and thank God everytime I get to enjoy his gift.
I enjoyed your word painting. And I am impressed that you refer to Maya. I do not think that I have ever seen it mentioned on this site before. Perhaps you will arouse curiosity. Cool.
it is a rip off, of a rip off, but great nonetheless.
who here has broken through the veil of maya though?