Yes there are lots here that can relate to your experiences within and after the false organization
Allso gleaned from most storys is that the borg often change there minds as regards there flock , if a person is kept working in a menial job ,with low pay, then they become dissalusioned with society as a whole they then seek solace in being away from the lowly job by by pioneering or auxzilary pioneering therby being dressed in a suit gives some people status not earned in there lowly emmployment given a dress code they feel important ,hence a feel good factor kicks in ,people are actualy listening to there points of view leaving some with a feeling of emppowerment this feel good factor is only possible out in the field ministry, therfore they walck away from there nasty little jobs,are encouraged to work part time leaving them more destitute, ( BANG ) The trap has been sprung they are now pioneers ,moulded into a lazy way of life ,depending upon the congregation for food clothing and handouts years down the line most are hooked just like a fish,with noproper education /no prospects and no hope ,if they left they would loose there meal tickett.what a sad waste.what a way to trap people in the poverty trap , hence keep education away from the masses and they have complete control over mind and body education is neded to spring people out of poverty hence there need to keep masses dumber than dumber
But you have won the day my brother congratulations in all that you do from now on (AGAPE LOVE TO YOU ALL)