Can't tell you what I drive, it would be too identifiable!....But it's BIG, I love it and I'd never drive anything else!
Satisfied with your vehicle?
by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends
My father bought a 2003 Honda Civic and got it this afternoon. He bought it all equipped. It even has mags, and tinted windows, spoiler, and more. Not too bad for a 73 year old man. He will look cool in that civic.
I'm going tomorrow and try to make a deal on a 2003 civic also. I guess I will take it black or red and with mags of course. That will be very cool. He better give me a good price for my 2002 corolla. The first year is when you lose the most on a car. You can lose about 30% just the first year.
Anyways, I'm expecting that. You've guessed it, I love new cars.
I love my '92 Paseo. Had it 6 months, I was able to pay cash, it has only 82k on it, lots of life left in it. No airbags though, and it is very tiny, so if I'm ever in a nasty accident...
My dream vehicle would be a restored Chevy Stepside.
1998 grand am. so far so good. only thing it needed was new tires at 50,000 miles.
hubby just got new 2003 chevy astrovan.
we have the gm mastercard and so far have saved $6500 in rebates. not bad.
we have the gm mastercard and so far have saved $6500 in rebates. not bad.
very interesting amount indeed. tires at 50,000 thats good. I change tires every 40,000km or 25,000 miles. I must turn corners too fast.
the gm card is really a good deal if you can make use of it. i got $4000 off my car in 98, hubby just got $2500 off. they keep trying to change the terms but we have not taken the bait, have stuck with the original terms of the card and have saved a lot!! also helps to buy off the lot and at a time of the year when the models are not brand new. but you probably know all this.
Bona Dea
I have a 2002 Toyota Corolla too. Have luved the car. It is awesome on gas compared to our 1996 Ford Expedition. The only thing that has been wrong with it was we had to have the power steering fluid pump replaced already (really surprised considering we bought it new). We've only had the Expedition for about 2 mos now...but it is so much fun. It is an Eddie Bauer, fully loaded...and huge. The kids love to sit wayyyy back in the back. It only gets 12.8 miles to a gallon though, has well over 100K on it (got it rreeaall cheap), already replaced some shaft (something to do with steering), windshield leaks like a mother when it rains (well, actually we can't figure out where the water is coming in at)...but it's roomy...and did I mention that it is fun to drive?
Had a 1990 Pontiac Grand Am...used to go dead on me everytime it stopped. It also leaked water in the passenger seat floorboard (same place as Expedition). Found out that it was a salvage title when I tried to sell it at a car auction (could been why it was such a piece of crap). Owned a 1990 Ford Taurus. Piece of junk. Every fluid in that car sprang a leak. The right back door wouldn't stay shut (tore up 3 times til we finally just tied it with a rope to the other back passenger door...not a pretty sight). Had two Ford Escorts...pretty decent cars. Had a 1987 Volvo 240GL. Put us on the side of the road twice. Also, leaked water in the passenger side floorboard (what is it with me and these cars?). Parts and labor were expensive. The Volvo was just old when we bought it. I believe it would've been a good car if it were minus 150K (it had over 200K on it when we bought it).
Bona Dea
Glad to know you like your corolla 2002. Too bad you had a problem with the power steering fluid pump. It must have been guaranteed.
Do you enjoy the air conditioning. I don' find it strong enough.
My father has a honda, and his air condtioning seems more efficient. at 90F temperatures, his is more efficient. Over 85F, mine is not that great.
I think it is a common problem on corollas. Other than that It's a great car.
Bona Dea
Yes, fortunately the pump was covered under warranty. The air is fine by me (actually, it's better than the Expedition but the Exp is a tank and a lot bigger to cool), but all one has to do is look at the long list of flunkie cars I've owned in the past and understand why I would feel this way. The only car that I've owned that has had way cool air was the Grand damn. Even if it did go dead everytime I stopped at a red light, it had some good cold air...
I have a great 1986 Ford Falcon Sedan. Only done 300,000km. One careful owner and six that couldn’t give a shit. Can hardly see the rust and if you turn up the radio you can’t hear the squeaks or rattles
For Sale $100 or free to good home