I found a JW SINGLES group on MSN groups! HILARIOUS!
JW singles? Check this out
by jwbot 25 Replies latest jw friends
free will
my sister told me about that...amazing...i thought - they can have single jw websites - but they still have to go door to door?
Yeah...I dunno, call me picky but the idea of a 37 year old virgin who lives in his parents basement, is a part-time window washer, and who's idea of a good time is studying the Bible, doesn't interest me.
Come on Joanna, he's probably a servant and be your head and conduct a proper family study with you and teach you all about submission! Give him your keys to your car, your checkbook and kiss your life good bye.
Rayzorblade laughs @ Simplesally's reply to Joannadandy.
What a wholesome means of locating your on-line theocratic sweetheart.
The nice part is, you can hit this button: [DELETE]
JW dating checklist:
[ ] - 30 years and older [ ] - Single elder over 40
[ ] - lives with parents [ ] - resides with pioneers
[ ] - no post secondary education [ ] - janitor/window washer
[ ] - sexually inactive [ ] - closet case
[ ] - studies 24/7 [ ] - attends all meetings
[ ] - polyester suit/modest [ ] - collects briefcases
[ ] - takes vitamins [ ] - poor sense of humor/humour
OK sisters, and former sisters....keep an eye out for these checklists, or else you may have a deep rooted problem with submission and headship.
With this in mind, click all that are applicable, and post fake e-mail addresses to sites with x-rated contacts.
Prophecies re: the harlot - might come true
El Cid
There's another one called www.jwmatch.com - almost looks like a commercial dating Web site!
Strange site!
This is a JW?
Joanna what an answer.
Well done...
You post struck a cord with me.
Just so happens I know a 35 year old window cleaner that lives with his mum and INTENSLY enjoys studying the bible. You interested ? lol