When you were a Jw, did you witness a rather large enthusiasm from your congregation for passing fads? What I mean is, one dub would start something and everyone would join in? This was especially prevelant with the women of the congregations.
For instance, for a while every female dub was undertaking this strange diet where they basically drink this really odd and particularly disturbing looking mushroom that they kept in their fridge. Another one: Folk Art, natural remedies and beauty portraits.
Another example is bible covers. In our congregation, this middle aged brother was designing this "Special" bible - it was bloody huge, with about 17 bookmarks and the "Reasoning form the Scriptures" was attached - all in one, with this fancy bible cover. He actually sold these things like hotcakes at $20 each, and the cong was loving them, until the CO chastised the guy about making his own publications - "New editions should only come from one place!" After that, the elders were too embarrased to use these bibles in their talks anymore and they dissapeared.
The fads, though werent actually fashionable in "The world" - what I mean is, the dub fads werent necessarily consistant to what was the general fad at the time. It was just a fad within dubs. Did anyone see any of these?