Are Jehovah's Witnesses A Stupid People???
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
Minimus, what about the question, "what is it that makes one accept the Watchtower doctrine? Is it simply the brain-washing which is applied or is there some deficiency on the part of the people that take it up?"
That deficiency may simply be fear, the fear generated by brain-washing which tells people not to question. You don't have to be stupid to be fearfull, although it does often seem that way in hindsight.
I know alot of intelligent people that do stupid things. I really don't think JW's are a stupid people. I don't think they're a happy people, either.
I do not think JWs as a whole are stupid. Like Francois said they are ignorant.
They are weak and nieve for the most part.
Blondie, you made an excellent point. When I was active in the org. more than anything else I heard "the society says......................"
JWs are very much programmed to think and act the way the "society" tells them to.
"With the Society behind us, who could ever lose?".....that's a common thought amongst Witnesses. "They know better than we do". That's something else you'll hear ,regarding the Watchtower Society. It is easy to believe that they are God's chosen people.
Minimus, I am not sure exactly why but your last post here reminded me of Rod Stewart's song "Reason To Believe"
Lyrics: "If I listened long enough to you I'd find a way to believe that it's all true. Knowing that you lied
straight face while I cried"
Wow!!! Sandy, I was thinking the same thing when I wrote it! .............Actually, I was humming the song, "It's your thang...Do what you wanna doooo.I can.....", by the Isley Brothers.
Pork Chop
I know several that hold responsible, well paid, even executive level positions with fairly large companies. I know a couple of university professors, a couple of lawyers, some CPAs, one MD, one Chiropracter, a guy that has some kind physiology PhD, I don't think any of these people could be classified as stupid.