I looked into Scientology before I even left JWs--I was curious. When I left JWs I went head first into witchcraft and studied many different traditions-including Satanism, settling on Stregheria. But I wanted to be sure and give xtianity a second chance, so I also looked into LDS(mormons)--actually was baptized because I wanted to get into the depths of what they believed rather than just the 'doorway spiel'. I liked the weirdness of it---which proved to me that it was not the xtian parts that were attractive to me. My husband had been baptized mormon as a kid during one of his parents' tangents from the Roman Church. So we were like ready to go to the Temple and eveyrthing, and probably would have if we had not moved and found ourselves in a very unfriendly 'ward'. I still regret that--I would have loved to go to one of their Temples. Lots of Masonic/ Golden Dawn-ish connections there. So then I tried to do the catholic-lite thing and we attended an Anglican Church(Episcopalian High Ritual). Very nice priest. What a great guy! But we moved again and after 5 years of sheer hell from his parents about not having a church wedding, I finally came into the Roman Church. Again--great people where I did RCIA. Wonderful wedding too---a fairytale and his parents' HAVE to leave me alone now. BUT......we moved again and so far no particular church strikes my fancy. If I have naything to do with Xtianity it will be some form of catholic. JWs turned me off protestantism and fundamentalists make me sick.
So cults...hmmmm well...guess you could say I tried them all. Got alot of information from the Unitarian Universalists. They are the ones who made the pagan and non-xtian faiths avaliable to me. I have checked into just about everything on my list from the religion quiz at Belief Net...LOL
Now as far as my spirituality is concerned, I consider myself now to be a 'New Age Deist Witch'. LOL
I am New Age because I believe that supernatural, paranormal, and occult are just science yet undiscovered or unproven. I am interested in chaos and sex magick based on energy manipulation and quantum theory. I am a Deist(which in my case most resembles Satanism and is the reason why some people see me in that 'light') because I do believe in a First Cause, just not a personal 'god' or 'goddess' who requires worship and sacrifice. I do not believe in Original Sin, or sin at all. So I don't need a savior. But I do believe there are higher evoloved entities and beings and humans in our less evolved state call them angels or gods or demons. And they can and do communicate with us, for our good or evil. We are the ones who establish the polarities, not them. I am very into Edgar Cayce and his Atlantis channeling--I really believe his information about the creation of this planet and how humans came about.
And I am a Witch. I always will be. I always have been--as a JW kid I regularly had my toys burned because of 'demons'. I have natural talent for the things most people consider out of the range of the average human. ESP, astral travel, lucid dreaming, divination, channeling, healing, etc--those types of things. I have a greater than average need for ritual in my life, but I realize the symbolism and archetypes of it, I don't lose myself in the fantasy. I have a right hand and a left hand---I see no conflict in using them both(wink wink--- just don't let one hand know what the other is doing...) By day I walk by the light of the sun, by night I walk by the light of the moon.