Is the WTBTS still an NGO????

by Tashawaa 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Tashawaa

    Does anyone know? Is there proof?

    I know they "disassociated" from the DPI, but did they also disassociate COMPLETELY from the UN as an NGO?

    I wrote and asked the WTBTS, but never got a response. I'd be verrrry interested in knowing.

  • hawkaw

    Not that I know much about this subject but I will give my best try possible.

    NGO stands for "non governmental organization". A non governmental organization is a not for profit private corporation. In other words it is an organization that has no afffiliation with government and it is set up to "not make a profit".

    Therefore, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. has and still is a non governmental organization.

    Now, as an NGO, the Watchtower looked at some of the perks offered by the United Nation's Department of Public Information (DPI). (Side bar - A Mr. Paul Hoeffel is the chief of that particular United Nations department. Paul and I are no longer on speaking terms after he released my name to the public and asked all JWs phoning into his office to phone me about this issue).

    The DPI offers NGO's an "associated" status with the UN's DPI. The status offers certain perks to NGOs and in return the NGO must support the UN charter (which allows for war - eg. Korean conflict and Gulf War 1) and dissimilate UN material to its organizational members. The UN considers an "associated" NGO a "partnership" with DPI.

    The person at the Watchtower who approached the DPI was Ciro Aulicano (sp?). If memory serves he is one of the Awake! writers. A very good friend of mine worked with him in the early 1990s and always wondered why he was going over to the UN all the time. Now that person knows why.

    Now the Watchtower VOLUNTARILY approached the UN in 1991 asking, as an NGO, for "associated" status with the UN's DPI. A DPI committee granted the Watchtower "associated" status on January 29, 1992. The Watchtower kept its "associated" status with DPI until October 2001.

    In September and October 2001, a few people (hehehehe) uncovered the "partnership" and were phoning both DPI staff and Watchtower headquarters over the issue.

    The Watchtower recognizing that they were being look into over the issue of "partnering" with the "scarlet coloured wild beast" decided to quit the UN's DPI. On October 9 or 10, 2001 the UN's DPI officially "disassociated" (their word not mine) the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. from the the UN.

    Therefore, the Watchtower lost its "associated" status with the UN's DPI but (and this is important) still remains an NGO as of today. The key thing to remember is the Watchtower, as an existing NGO, VOLUNTARILY approached and was granted an "associated" status with the UN's DPI. Based on all available knowledge that I am aware of, the Watchtower has nothing more to do with the UN.

    For further information do a search on this board. Also it is very important that you read all of the material at Randy's web site on this issue at and at Zev's web site at . I spent a lot of time scanning this stuff and sending it to these really nice guys so that people like you have as much knowledge as possible over the incident.

    Also there are two big threads done by Mad Apostate (who I miss deeply) and myself on this issue that relate to a 1991 and 1974 Watchtower articles and a Robert Muller essay. The articles show that the leadership knew that being an "associated" NGO with any of the the UN departments was wrong but still they went ahead and did it anyway.

    Hope all of that helped. Please note I usually do an initial post and then edit a number of times afterwards to ensure I give you the right terminology and spelling.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Note: It's worth emphasizing that the only way a religious group (such as the WT) can be a part of the UN is as an NGO. All the churchs and other religious organizations that the WT condemned all those years for being part of the UN were NGOs, just like the WT.

  • Tashawaa

    hawkaw - thanks.

    If we're still associated as an NGO - isn't that still apart of the "beast".

    I mean that NGO is voluntary as well, isn't it. Not every religion is listed, are they??? How far back does the original NGO application go back? Before 1991?

    I got all the DPI stuff - emails, letters, etc., but I guess the point being, if the NGO is still active, the JW org is still "apart of the Beast", regardless of the DPI requirement to "support the UN charter".

    Am I missing something?

  • Voyager

    The Watchtower is still listed as a NGO with the Armenian National Committee Association, go to: This is one of the largest grassroot Political organizations in the world.

  • Gamaliel


    You make a good point about the political involvements the WTS continues as part of their Holocaust PR campaign. WTS gets a lot of mileage out these associations, and for that matter, it truly is for one of the few things the JWs deserve some credit for facing. BTW, you may have given the ANCA a little too much credit in the following quote of yours, so I have included the whole first page of the anca site.

    This is one of the largest grassroot Political organizations

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

    The main goals of the ANCA are:

    • To foster public awareness in support of a free, united and independent Armenia;
    • To influence and guide U.S. policy on matters of interest to the Armenian American community;
    • To represent the collective Armenian American viewpoint on matters of public policy, while serving as liaison between the community and their elected officials.

    The Armenian National Committee of America is active in a number of areas and engages in a wide variety of political and educational activities, including:

    • Initiating legislation on issues of concern to the Armenian American community, such as strengthening Armenia as a secure, prosperous and democratic state; supporting Nagorno Karabagh's right to self-determination and independence within secure borders; increasing U.S. aid levels to Armenia to promote economic and democratic development; securing direct U.S. aid to Nagorno Karabagh; ensuring the appropriate commemoration of the Armenian Genocide; and encouraging Turkey and Azerbaijan to lift their blockades and adhere to international standards for human rights and humanitarian practices.
    • Participating in the American electoral process at the federal, state, and local levels by educating elected officials about Armenian American issues and providing Armenian American voters with up-to-date information about the positions of candidates on Armenian American concerns. The ANCA regularly endorses candidates, organizes voter registration drives, and distributes Candidate Questionnaires, Congressional Report Cards and Election Guides to Armenian American voters.
  • gitasatsangha

    Thanks for the clarifications. I was beginning to think the world was teeming with politically active Armenian-Americans.

  • avengers

    Hawk: Great explanation. Couldn't have said it better. Anyone reading it who still doesn't "understand" must have his or her head stuck in a wrong place..


  • BluesBrother

    What in the world is the WTS doing being listed as a contact on an Armenian Political Organisation's website? ,

    Is it real? I question that even though the WT House address is given and Paul Gillies name is mentioned on the linked website

    I e-mailed them for an explanation. I guess it will either be another cock up or Theocratic Strategy which is over our heads

  • gcc2k

    Who said that the WT is affiliated as an NGO with ANCA? The way I see it, there is a Holocaust Day that has been established, and the WT are participating in that as Holocaust survivors (presumably as an opportunity to witness to a large gathering - our brothers lost their lives for these beliefs, etc).

    The ANCA is soliciting people to write to those NGOs (simply making the distinction of government vs non-govt, they don't mean UN NGOs here) to protest the EXCLUSION of the Armenian genocide from the Holocaust remembrance day.

    Anything beyond this is speculation. As I posted on the thread about the recording, there is no conspiracy here, just speculation and misinformation.

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