
by Mr Magoo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Magoo
    Mr Magoo

    When I married my JW wife I was told that marriage was a VERY important thing.

    I have, however, later learned that:

    1) My sister-in-laws husbands JW brother got divorced because his JW wife fooled around.

    2 - 3) 2 couples were divorced after we got married (2½ years ago). One of them had only been married for a couple of years. (In both cases one of them where fooling around with other(s)(!).

    4) The male of one of our closest married-couples-friends was divorced a couple of years ago (just before we got married). Again - as I remember it - the other part was fooling around.

    Note: Everybody mentioned here has not or just turned 30.

    The official WTBTS opinion of marriage just doesn’t reflect reality does it?

    It seems to me that the young JWs urge towards “other playgrounds” is greater than the urge for following the bible.

    Not having been allowed to “test run” their spouse before it was too late, or "check out" other marriage material in that way makes them fool around.

    It looks like some of them get quite disappointed, but what they got might not be that bad - they just doesn’t now that...

    Or they might be sick and tired off getting told what not to do all their life that they eventually just have to break some rules?

    I would like to hear other people’s opinion and/or experiences on this subject.

    Take care.
    Mr Magoo

  • mommy

    I have to say that many stay in marriages they are not happy with because of the org. This is going against the grain for them and they seek out other forms of gratification. I know personally several people like this, and it is so sad. The org refuses to let them even have heavy petting before marriage so by the time the wedding is here they are so full of sexual tension they would say, "I do" to a woman with 3 heads.

    I think you are right and a test run is in order. I know I was engaged for a year to a fine witness boy. He and I were never alone, and heavy petting was out of the question. Until one night just one month before our marriage day. He decided we were close enough to being married and wanted to claim his bride that night. Long story short, he took my virginity because he needed release. Nothing pretty or special about that. I am just thankful it happened before the wedding night, because I never did marry him. And yes it had almost everything to do with his sexual style

    Anywho, I think they put so much emphasis on sex that, it is the controlling factor in whether to get married or not. If people are allowed to carry a relationship out naturally, maybe the marriages would be happier. Alot of relationships don't even turn to sex, you could have one make out session and know if this person is compatable with you. It is 3:30 am I haven't slept and maybe this is making no sense at all. I just know if I am ever in the situation to be married a test run will be completed

  • larc


    I guess things have really changed since the good old days when Zazzu and I were dating. Back then, you shoped around. A date was not a committment to marriage. On dates, we were alone a lot and engaged in much heavy petting, so you got to pretty much "explore" the other person's compatibility before marriage. Zazzu is quiet and shy, but she was ... er ... very affectionate towards me. Althoug our hormons were raging, we waited until that blessed wedding day. We were, however, "ramped up" for the culmination, so to speak. In other words, we didn't go from holding hands to the bedroom in one day's time.

  • larc

    one other thought,

    I found most of the Witness girls to be inhibited and cold.

  • Esmeralda

    Hi Magoo, nice to make your aquaintance :)

    The history of friends you mentioned reads like a list
    of the people I grew up with as well (And I'm turning 30
    later this month, so we're in the same group here)

    I laughed out loud when I read Mommy's remark:

    so by the time the wedding is here they are so full of sexual tension they would say,
    "I do" to a woman with 3 heads.

    {side note to Mommy, your post made perfect sense sweetie *lol* :) }

    Now while I'm only one headed, I think that that was the definite
    motivator of my first husband. All his friends had married in the year
    before and he was the only one who was still, er...deprived. I was 19 and
    he was 21 and though we held off on the 'main event'
    until our wedding night he definitely had busy hands.

    I was horribly uncomfortable with it but was so used
    to people running my life that I didn't slap him the way
    I wanted to. larc talked about JW girls being cold...I wasn't
    I was just terrified of being 'marked'...I so wanted to
    be the perfect little JW girl.

    I had no way to know at the time that even though his
    hormones were raging before the wedding, he was
    really a very cold and unfeeling person. I confused
    sexual attention with real love and since he was the
    first person I'd even kissed (I was that shy, okay! *lol*)
    I had nothing to gauge it by.

    After our wedding night, he rarely had any use for me, except
    when he expected his 'due'.

    He tried to make me over into a classic rendition of what
    is called the Madonna/wh*re syndrome (please forgive the
    word, folks, that's what they call it) Where a man wants
    a woman to be two different things, one in public,
    one in private. It fractured my personality as his 'tastes'
    became more and more apparent as our marriage went on and suffice it to say
    if I had known about them before I married him, the
    wedding wouldn't have happened.

    I have no regrets though, I have a beautiful child
    and I would do it over again because of that.

    Now, Magoo, back to your original thought about
    the importance of marriage: it was very important
    to me, I wanted so badly to be a good wife to this man that
    I stuck it out for years. Nothing I did measured up, he dictated how much I should weigh,
    wear my hair, talk about, think, etc.

    I asked him to go into counseling with me for a long time, he said that
    I was crazy and needed a shrink. Then the shrink he
    took me to told me that it wasn't me, it was him and
    if I didn't divorce him I would go insane eventually.

    I imagine that I'm on a list similiar to yours with my
    old friends. I was thinking about that this morning because
    my ex and I were talking last night when we dropped my
    daughter off and some old friends came up, and I thought
    to myself, I really wish they knew the truth about the
    circumstances of my divorce. What they believe is that
    I left him for another man, end of story.

    They don't know what I lived with for seven years. Since
    I got df'd (even though I didn't have a physical
    relationship with anyone else until after the legal divorce)
    they think that I just left my husband, and Jehovah.

    My story is long and involved and is on the web if you're
    interested Magoo. Marriage is still the most important
    thing in my life. The difference now is that I'm married
    to a warm, affectionate, kind, emotionally available man:
    something that I was sure of on our wedding day and
    the reason that I have had no regrets since...not for
    a nanosecond.

    My 'leaving' my ex had nothing, not a thing to do with sex.
    It had to do with the fact that I was completely emotionally
    isolated, I knew that I couldn't change my first husband that
    I would never be 'good' enough for him... and
    I literally thought that I would have to kill myself to get out
    of the marriage. That was my plan.

    Then when a friend said to me "Hey, you deserve better than this,
    you know..." and meant it, it saved my life and I realized
    that the "You'll never do better" speech that my ex always gave
    me was a lie.

    Now that friend is my second husband, and after four years
    of knowing him and nearly 2 of marriage, he's still my best friend.

    Marriage is far more sacred to him than any, any of the JW
    guys I grew up with.

    Interesting topic.


    The Four Agreements:
    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

  • LDH

    Great topic, McGoo!

    My sister is definitely not of the 'just because we're dating we have to get married' club.

    She dated several brothers, all of whom she deemed useless. When she began seeing another brother from another cong, the PO walked past without saying anything (actually brushed past rudely).

    My sister was called into the room and grilled about why she "was leading brothers on." She was furious and told them they had no right butting into her private life.

    The next Tuesday night a marking talk was given, about 'young sisters who don't take marriage seriously and casually date a number of young brothers.'

    What a crock of @(#*. The mindset that exists in JW congs, that you have to mary the first person you kiss (let alone SLEEP WITH!) has caused unbelievable heartache.

    My sister is still happily single.

    I could have never married a JW man; they are so narrow minded about 'the role of the wife.' I'm quite happy with what I've got, thanks. And I did go for several test drives, Mommy. However, we waited several months, which was also nice (for me, anyway. He was dying.)

  • pamkw

    My sister is in a very unhappy marriage. Why? Because when she was 19, she thought she had to get married so that she could leave my mother's house. I asked her why she just didn't get her own place. She said, I can't live by myself, it's not proper. What is this the 1800's? So she married the first guy that would have her. He started sending her gifts, and immediately they were engaged. Witness woman don't just get to date, if you go out to dinner with someone, you have to decide to marry them. In my sister's case, he was so impatient to get married, they kept moving the wedding date up. Finally they went before the judge and had a civil ceremony. He couldn't wait a few months for sex. They do not have a good marriage, and that's what comes from marrying a total stranger.

    I know another woman who was conned into marrying a man who didn't even speak English, only Spanish. She spoke no Spanish. I don't know how she is now, but for the first few years she was very unhappy. She was a single mom, and the sisters in the congregation set her up, because she needed to be married.

    Another woman was forced to marry a man after he was reinstated, because they had slept together once. She was so happy, he looked so miserable at their Kingdom Hall wedding. Turns out, he was a wife beater, and she finally left him for her own safety. His first wife did find another man, because of the abuse. He was forgiven for sleeping around and beating his wives. The first wife is treated badly by the congregation because she remarried, no one has forgiven her. The second wife moved across the country from him.

    I think all the forced marriages in the org. is why people cheat on each other. If you looked at someone of the opposite sex you were expected to marry them.


  • nogs

    i think you are all right, The Marriages in the org are contrived, I'm glad i was saved from all that, I was engaged to a brother, who finally dumped me after having months of pressure of ppl saying I wasn't good enough, I ran away, thought i was going to kill myself, slept with the first kind man I met, a okay experience but i was so full of guilt that i didn't enjoy, went home the next day after that to go back to meetings and confess, two months later I found out I was pregnant, after that i did six years of being the perfect witness a pioneer, a model mum, and was i deemed good enough??? No i still wasn't, not for the brothers i wanted only for the ones they thought ill enough to shove my way. I finally saved enough money and moved to devon, where I am happy, I test drove a couple of men, i.e one night stands, which were useless, left me more cold than you could imagine, My current guy who I've been with for six months, well is wonderful at everything, we got to know each other over long conversations before we met, and when we did meet we slept together that very night, I styed the weekend and we had fun exploring each other, and laughing. I don't feel cold anymore, and it is an important aspect of an relationship!!!! I agree whole heartedly with you Mommy!!!

    Love and respect to all fornicators out'n'about!!!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Mr. Magoo, and all,
    This is a very interesting subject. Matter of fact, Thinker and I were just talking about it on Saturday. I was going back over in my mind about all the marriages in the org. that I have known somewhat well since I was a child. Other than my parents who are very much in love, in fact best friends, I couldn't remember seeing any of my friend's parents kissing or holding hands or anything.
    Essie, could have written my story. For seventeen years I was married to an abusive man who was a witness in good standing. I tried so hard to be perfect, that I drove myself to being obsessive-compusive, and had to go through drug therapy for it. I stayed with him for all those years, because I thought I had no choice. My life was truly miserable. I can remember the last seven years or so getting up and having this voice in my head repeatedly saying "I hate my life".
    I decided that when and if I ever got a chance to be in a relationship again, I would definitely "test drive" the love interest. I dated a bunch of non-witness men before I met Thinker. I was getting pretty jaded about that time. I didn't just want the dating scene. I wanted the real thing. A loving, caring, comitted relationship! Thinker and I wrote letters for about ten days. We knew we loved each other before we ever met. We loved each other's soul. Nervous about looks? You betcha'. I was a nervous wreck. And I think he was even worse for different reasons, he is extremely shy. But when we met the connection was real. I met him at his house for our first date, and I never left. We just couldn't face living without each other. Fairy tale story? Maybe. Doesn't work for everyone. But I am of the mind that there is someone out there for everyone. We just have to be in the right place at the right time, really know what we want, and be open enough to recognize it when it comes our way!! "Test driving" Thinker was the smartest and best thing I have ever done in my life. It just keeps getting better. We get along wonderfully and share everything. Matter of fact, even though he has never been a JW, he is the one who found this site, and countless hours of research on JW's on his part has helped me resolve so many of my issues.
    The Witness way of finding a mate? No Way!!! Bad move. Following your heart and instincts? Definitely the way to go. No guilt, no worry.

  • JT

    the demands that the org places on marriages many times simply take thier toil over time

    so many women feel useless in the org- as an elder i spoke to so many sisters who felt thier husbands only came around at "Nookie time"

    how sad

    the desire to jump higher run faster gets tiring after awhile

    an for many they seek affection outside the home in the arms of another man or woman

    the entire life style of jw is one that dooms family life

    how sad


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