Hi Emyrose. The reason you are having trouble getting sympathy and empathy, is that we all just feel you have enough sympathy and empathy for your own self, without us cluttering up your headspace with extra stuff, especially since you obviously hold most of us in extreme comtempt.
You want others to be all sweet and kind and googoo to you while reserving the right to be really nasty to others for yourself.
Get a clue, troll. You are acting like a nasty vicious little git. I bet the 'friends sitting next to you' while you spew your trollbait are just other aspects of your vicious little self. Any sane intelligent observer would know exactly who is keeping the pot stirred up.
Your attempts to derail the debate into a race/gender war are just proof that you are only here for titillation, not communication. Low tactics from a desperate ego.
You want kindness and understanding, try turning off that stream of pointless moronitude you're spewing, and quit trying to outpiss everyone who's told you you're acting like a moron. You're waaaay out of your intellectual league, and your pouting and nastiness just display your childishness and immaturity.
And you have yet to make a salient point of any kind!
Now take your stinky prejudices and go find a clue, willya?
Can't wait to see what nasty insults you have waiting for me!
Laughing at you heartily, no sympathy in sight,
Mommie Dark