During the last two months I've tried and tried to rationalize the JW view that, since these "Pagan holidays are not based upon the scriptures, they must not be practices by Christians". I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and trying to come up with their motivation for these policies. They can't think that celebrating will actually hurt, yet they obviously can't honestly think the practice goes against the Bible.
I thought it might just be another "control" for them to place on the flock - and a way to differentiate themselves from other faiths. Even that is weak though; would the disruption really be worth it?
I think I've finally figured it out though. It's a way to tear families apart, and to pull the believers away from the rest of us. The believer, assuming this practice (or non-practice, as it may) to be correct, will try to convince other family members to practice the same beliefs. The result is quite simple - the JW's will either gain more converts (good for them), or will manage to drive the wedge even further between believers and the rest (also good for them). So when you have somebody in a situation such as mine (with a JH wife) they are forcing me to make a decision instead of letting me walk the fence.
Please post your thoughts on this!