As far as I know, at this point, all that is certain is that Laci, pregnant with her son, vanished just before Christmas. And regretably, it appears that her remains have been found in the harbor, along with those of her son. However, as far as I know ( and I may wrong, so excuse me if I am) no definite cause of death has yet been determined. If I am correct in my assumption, then how can one say that she was definitely murdered? Granted, that is most likely the case, but cause of death still has to be determined.
And even it is proven to be death by homicide, there is one crucial fact that can't be forgotten. In the American legal code, each and every person has the right to a trail by his/her peers. And, A PERSON MUST BE PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW. Excuse the caps, but this (dare I say "sacred" tenet) is "enshrined" in the American legal code. This man (who, I admit, does appear to be one grade-A scum bag and S.O.B.) must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Just because he is a philandering bastard does make him a murderer.
As humans, it is natural to let one's emotions rule, but the U.S. is (to a great extent) a nation of LAWS - laws which transcend and keep human emotions in check. Such rule by law distinguishes civilization from mob rule and vigilanteeism. With patriotic feelings running at all time high among most Americans, these self-same Americans must not forget this most basic fact of their legal code (one which makes the U.S. the envy of the world) - a person is innocent until proven guilty. This is not the case in many countries. Here, where I live, the burden of proof is on the defendant. He/she is guilty until they can prove their innocence. And, unlike the U.S., which bans so-called "double-jeopardy" (trying someone more than once for the same offense) here where I live, even if a person is declared innocent by the judge (there is no jury system here), the *prosecution* has the right to appeal and ask for another trial.
So, all you true-blue, flag-wavin', Saddam-hatin' Americans had better count your blessings. And kindly extend to Mr. Peterson the same benefit of the doubt that your very own legal code extends to all defendants. After all, aren't those soldiers over there also fighting *for* a way of life, and not just *against* a dictator.
I know I'll probably get flamed for my ideas; if so, let the flames begin.