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by free will 22 years ago 12 Replies latest 22 years ago jw friends
anyone from the eastern seabord, u.s.a.?
good, i thought i was the only one. it seems we have west coast, aussies and brits. "not that there's anything wrong with that." - seinfeld - (american t.v. show) ---i guess if i have to explain it, it's not that funny.
(LOLOL...sorry, I just couldn't resist)
Craig (of the "lives in Oregon with Katie" class)
Savannah, Georgia. That's about as eastern seaboard as you can get.
Outside Philadelphia, here, but a genuine "Jersey Girl".
Not that there's anything wrong with that....lol
(No, you don't have to explain)
Northern New Jersey here.
I'm bi-coastal myself.
It doesn't mean I'm a bad person!
I'm From Long Island; I guess if you want to get further east than me, you have to live in the Atlantic Ocean.
Craig, be careful what you say. You married her! People are going to get the wrong idea about her if you say "lives with." (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)