Dearest Dawn... may you have peace!
May I say, first, that Kenneson's description of my Lord's resurrection, of body and spirit, is correct: the body that my Lord had was "changed" so that his spirit could enter into the spirit realm and preach there (flesh with its blood cannot enter the spirit realm - the flesh returns to the dust). When he returned from the spirit world, he again "put on flesh" so as to become manifest to his disciples and others. It was not the same flesh - not by reason of it having no marks, for it would have been healed anyway - but by reason that it was NOT by means of the flesh that his disciples recognized him... but by means of his VOICE, which came forth from such flesh.
The body CAN be raised up, resurrected, as seen from those who take part in the second resurrection: it is their flesh that is raised up, so that it can be judged. If found with the "covering" of sins, the blood of Christ, its sins are "blotted out" and such ones are given a "white robe"... a SPIRIT body, to "house" the spirit... versus the fleshly one that "houses" it now. If there is not covering, the body (of flesh) AND the spirit... are destroyed... in "Gehenna" - Matthew 10:28
As usual, the JWs have parts right... and parts wrong. But that is a given: Satan keeps transforming himself into a angel of "light" - but that light is not the TRUE Light (John 8:12), and so cannot be completely accurate (which is one reason why it changes all the time!)
Second, as far as my Lord raising himself, did he not say "I am the resurrection and the Life?" And was not ALL authority given him? And did HE not have the keys to Death and Hades? True, Peter said that God raised him, and that, too, is true. God raised my Lord by means of GRANTING him such authority; my Lord did NOTHING of his own initiative, but only that which the Father granted him. So, true, my Lord raised himself... but it was by means of the authority and power GIVEN him by my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... that my Lord, His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... could do so. And the Son himself always acknowledged that and gave the "glory"... to God.
I hope this helps, and again, I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,