How I made it out and maintained my sanity and happiness! READ ME!

by NaruNaruChan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • NaruNaruChan

    I just read JoannaDandy's post about making things more positive on here... and so I decided to say something positive, so that you guys could smile about something, maybe. ^_^

    I'm in love.

    I've been in love with her for six months, now, almost to the day. She's sitting here right now, reading me stupid laws of the united states , (i.e. "In Carmel it's illegal to eat ice cream while standing on a sidewalk") She just caught me writing about this, and blushed. So I blushed

    Ok, so love is crazy, and life is crazy, and we all may not have love... but we have ONE damned thing to smile about, that's for sure... and it's that we can wake up in the morning every day, look outside, and the world is OURS. A friend once told me that if you can survive exiting the JWs whether it's DAing, DFing, or doing the slow fade... you can survive ANYTHING. I mean, I think we all need to get our hearts beating out here!

    I think we need to use what life we have left to make ourselves feel good! I mean, let's live it up, we only get one shot right? I made it out, with my happiness, my sanity in tact. The world is a lot bigger than California, Texas, Florida, Canada, England, or Australia (Any any other place I left out in my inconsiderate nature ^_~) I've seen it! ^_^ I've been everywhere, of my own volition, and it's beautiful! Even if it's just your own damn scruffy ass backyard you're lookin at, there's magic to it.

    Call me crazy or sentimental, but I'm so f--king excited about being alive I can hardly contain myself. AND NO, I AM NOT DRUNK ( I was the night of the memorial, but that's because I wanted to drink. ^_^ Tonight all I've had is a bag of cotton candy ^_^)

    So c'mon anybody who reads this, we got lives, some of us have husbands, wives... Do something special for them, hug em real tight, kiss them, and tell them you LOVE THEM! If you don't have somebody, go out and find somebody! Hug your kids, your family members that still talk to you! ^_^ If not, call them and tell them you love 'em, f--k it! ^_^ Why not? Why even ask? We all made it out of a terrible thing that could have ruined all our lives. I think it's a good form of therapy! ^_^

    Hell, do what I did. Drive by the KH and FLIP THE F--KERS OFF!!

    Whatever you do, smile when you're done, cuz in the end, THEY(Meaning the dubs) mean nothing. ^_^ And you, and what you love, and what you make of your life, means everything.

  • nightwarrior

    Fantastic posting....

    It has brought a BIG smile to my face... you are so right... what a way to start off Saturday and world smiles with you..... positive is the way to go......we can do anything!!!!!!!!!

    Mrs Nightwarrior

  • be wise
    be wise

    Can you get rid of my hangover ?

    Up here for thinking, down there for dancing.

  • Swan

    Yes! Life is wonderful!

    It didn't used to be, but it sure is now. What a wonderful world!


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Great post Naru,

    I think life has always been great, your just not allowed to enjoy it when your a dub. God forbid one might be joyous in this wicked system. Once you dump the baggage, dump the dogma and open your eyes, the sun really does shine!


  • rocketman

    naru, can I watch?

    j/k.....glad to see you're in love.

  • gumby


    Please remember these manic moments of your that seem real pleasant right now, knowing that tomarrow.....

    .....your going to be like Charlie Manson and your going to hate life and everyone in it..........................................( just kiddin now ya lucky bastard )

    The world is a lot bigger than California, Texas, Florida, Canada, England, or Australia (Any any other place I left out in my inconsiderate nature ^_~) I've seen it! ^_^ I've been everywhere, of my own volition, and it's beautiful! Even if it's just your own damn scruffy ass backyard you're lookin at, there's magic to it.

    Well.....I'll have to be happy over the bold typed one cuz I'm not a rich bastard like you. I want you to send me some dough so I can get into the frame of mind your in. Please hurry if you can.

    OK......putting all seriousness aside,

    I also believe we should make sure we show love everyday as it may be the last for us or them. Do things that are sane.....when you can. ( don't go by the hall and flip them off though.....not good )

    Try and make lasting good memories while you can.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Happy Saturday to you, too.

    My husband always has a smile, imagine that. He has helped teach me by example that it's better to wear a smile then allow the more unpleasant moments of life take you down. He, too, is a world traveler via; the Navy. But thankfully retired now. There were many occasions where he was invited into the homes of different people because he is happy...and listens to others. While many military never got past the bars, he explored a given country (when allowed by the military) and gained much. Guess no matter what part of the world one lives in, people still prefer positive association.

    I'm glad for anyone who maintained sanity. I wondered about mine many times but I am quite happy these days. And I think the aging process has something to do with this, too. The older I get, the better it gets. Although the body starts falling a part and I'm just not as interested in issues that used to arouse such passion.

    Yesterday I fell off a step and landed on my back. Oh boy, am I ever sore. Right in the midst of a major project that cannot be put off...and even with that my mental outlook is good. As someone kidded in gest about savoring these happy times for when the other times come...and they will, a smile and kind word is invaluable. It's insurance in our emotional bank. Today we can invest in our life, and find happiness.

    Thanks for the topic

    Granny Linda

  • Mystery

    I'm in love.

    That is where it all begins!

  • mattnoel

    NNC - you are wonderfull - thats probably one of the best posts I have ever seen here (not that I dont enjoy others posts as I wouldnt be here!) brought tears to my eyes but made me think !


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