Hi everyone,
Well I went to a meeting while visiting my family. I was particularly interested in the comments from the WT paragraphs that medioned recent "media reports" in it.
First off, I found it rather clever the way the WT worded the paragraphs regarding media reports. They asked "how do you feel when you hear reports about JWs in the media that are distortions or outright lies"? I find it clever because they are not actually saying that recent media reports are distortions or lies. They are simply asking how one feels when the come across reports that are deceptive. There is only one reasonable answer to that question - a lie or distortion cannot be good (even I would agree to that). YET, in the context of the rest of the paragraph and the surrounding article it is clear that the message they want to convey is that recent reports on JWs have been lies. I think they purposely didn't come out and say it plainly because the facts of most media reports are readily availible to those who want to dig them up. Thier wording gives them an "out" to anyone who would discover the veracity of reports in the media.
So what were the comments from the congregation on these paragraphs? The intended message was definetly recieved. One brother who was from England mentioned the Panorama episode and told how shaken some of the publishers were over it. Many didn't want to go out in service for a few weeks until it calmed down. Yet he went on to relay how a householder said: " I saw that episode and knew that these acusations had to be lies - you people are just not like that". In conclusion he commented how Satan controls the media and will cause them to spread lies about JWs.
Another comment alluded to programs that aired in America. Again it was stated that the program contained nothing but lies against 'Gods people' and these lies are to be expected.
So the subtle message of the WT article was recieved (at least by some) as intended - believe nothing that portrays JW's in a bad light.
I personally felt that some may have doubts to the claim that its all lies. There were not allot of hands raised like there were in the other paragraphs. Those who did comment were obviously not informed whatsoever. Nor was there any discussion about the supposed lies away from the meeting (as I have heard before when there have been TV programs about JW's). I think most feel uncomfortable about the who issue and wish it would go away. I think the availibility of info on the internet has hindered the WT propaganda machine. Maybe thats just my wishful thinking though.