How to explain the HYPOCRISY of the JW blood doctrine with out getting DFd?

by Crazyguy 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notsurewheretogo
    Cofty, is there an issue with 8 and 9?  It backs up the main points but they are not as important as 1-7.
  • cofty
    8. Jesus demonstrated this principle when he went against the law many times for the sake of life

    I don't want to go off topic but Jesus of the gospels never went against the Law. He taught his followers to keep the Law even more carefully than the Pharisees.

    He rejected the hypocritical way the Law had been applied. I think we are on shaky ground if we try to convince a JW that it's ok to break the Law sometimes. We need to show them that when the bible is properly understood blood transfusions are not against any Law...

  • notsurewheretogo

    But did he not save a sheep on the sabbath?  Did he not pluck corn on the sabbath to feed his followers?  Did he not touch a woman with a flow of blood?

    All of these are against the law...but when life is involved he broke it...

  • cofty
    did he not save a sheep on the sabbath

    No he told the pharisees they were hypocrites because they would save a sheep on the sabbath but object to a person being healed.

    Did he not pluck corn on the sabbath to feed his followers?

    No not really. He and his disciples were picking ears of corn to nibble on as they walked through a field. Jesus did not agree with the Pharisees that this amounted to harvesting.

    Did he not touch a woman with a flow of blood?

    Actually she touched him. But in any case that was not against the Law. It may result in temporary uncleanness but it wasn't unlawful.

    None of those things were against the Law.

    The Pharisees defined the Law in ways that went far beyond the letter and the spirit of the Law. Jesus obeyed the Law meticulously and told his followers that must do likewise.

    As far as blood is concerned Jws take pride in being willing to lay down their life rather than disobey god. We need to show a JW that a transfusion is not against the Law...

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