NBA Playoffs

by Aztec 27 Replies latest social physical

  • Aztec

    Since my Red Wings tanked so bad and Toronto is not looking real good either I am going to start watching basketball. My Pistons are a #1 seed in the Eastern conferance and they start the series today against the Orlando Magic..oh no another Disney team! If there is a god maybe he can save Detroit against the Demon that is Disney! LOL! Go Pistons!:)~Aztec

  • ashitaka

    Unfortunatley, the 6ers will spank some Eastern Conference ass, so I think your hopes are in vain.....

  • Aztec

    The curse of Disney continues....*sigh*...we lost by 5 points. Ashi you guys drew the Hornets, a team only slighty worse than your own so I'd say you have a decent shot in the first round. The game is on later tonight. Good luck! :) ~Aztec

  • ashitaka
    a team only slighty worse than your own

    HA! I love thinly veiled insults!

    Don't you worry, we can get past the first round.

    Still, no matter who wins the east, they won't beat the west. I still think the Lakers will win the whole thing's a damn shame.


  • Aztec

    Thinly veiled insult? Me? More like gentle mocking.:) I agree with you on the West though. Detroit would be on a great winning streak and would then have to head out west for a trip and come home winless. The west coast teams just play more up tempo. I will root for anyone playing against the Lakers. That's one team I can't stand! ~Aztec

  • Pleasuredome

    i dont know much about basketball, but is there a team called the detroit spinners?

  • Aztec

    Uh what? Is that a Motown question? I'm confused...~Aztec

  • ashitaka
    I will root for anyone playing against the Lakers

    Me too. I'm sick of seeing them win, but man, Kobe does have talent. But, in the postseason, they're like a runaway train.

    The team to beat in the east? Nets, methinks. God, I hate them too. My brother loves them, so another Battle of the NJ Turnpike could get ugly in my house.

    I'm honest about my teams. Frankly, I'm happy if they just get to the first round. oh well.


  • Aztec

    No worries ashi. The Wings and the Pistons are the only thing we have going in Detroit. The Tigers suck! And don't even start me on the Lions. My gawd the word suck is not strong enough to explain how bad they are. They've won 5 games over the last two seasons. Just hanging my head in shame...~Aztec

  • ashitaka

    6as win! 6as win! A.I. 55 points!

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