What's Your Opinion Of Charles Taze Russell?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    An important point to remember Craig the next time someone points a finger at us and tells us how much God hates "bad" people like us, will destroy us whilst they will be saved.

    In the end, nobody knows anything. We all live this life by taking a leap. We only control ourselves.

  • onacruse


    the next time someone points a finger at us and tells us how much God hates "bad" people like us, will destroy us whilst they will be saved.

    I totally agree, and in my readings of Russell's works (about 50% of what he wrote) imo Russell was not judgmental. He continued to call people of other religions his "brothers and sisters." And, to my knowledge, he never went on tirades against "non-conformists," as was so characteristic of Rutherford's works. I'm currently editing all of R's work from the 30s, and the bile and anger literally drips off the pages. Sometimes I just have to stop, it makes me ill. Russell wasn't like that, not at all.


  • minimus

    Farkel, if you are in essence saying that FWFranz was worse than Russell, I agree.

  • SYN

    His miracle wheat wasn't too bad.

    Everything else he did was a load of bollocks

  • integ

    Can someone give me a title of a book that Rutherford wrote....? Please?


    P.S: Who wrote "New Heavens, and New Earth?

    Thanks Again.

  • Spudinator

    Here is a listing of J.F. Rutherford books on CD: http://www.carm.org/goods/jw_rainbow.htm

  • onacruse

    One example of the difference, recognized and condemned by Rutherfordites:

    W5/1/33 132

    There are those who claim to be followers of Christ Jesus and who not only fail to obey the commandments of the Lord to preach the truth concerning the day of vengeance of our God, and his kingdom, but who severely criticize those who are diligent in their endeavors to obey the divinely-given commission...One who signs himself as “Bible Student” caused to be published in the Toronto Star recently a letter which in substance says: “While the organization [Bible Students] was founded by Pastor Russell in the 70’s, yet the real followers of the teachings of Pastor Russell left the Society some years ago...Real International Bible Students resent being coupled with what is being put forth nowadays by the Society as the teachings of the Bible Students. Pastor Russell clearly outlined his position as regards the attitude to be adopted towards the churches and worldly institutions. He condemned harshness of language and intolerant bearing..."

    Here is further evidence of the complete blindness of those who once claimed to follow the Lord but who rejected the truth of the coming of the Lord to his temple, and which shows that they are not of the temple class, and that they are in the dark. Volume Six of Studies in the Scriptures, page 607 above mentioned, reads:

    “Some, we believe, have gone to an extreme in denouncing present institutions in a manner that the Lord and the apostles neither commanded nor sanctioned, nor illustrated in their words and conduct. We should remember that the world as a whole is living up to as high a standard as it appreciates, and that simply to find fault with matters which others are as powerless to correct as ourselves is worse than useless, because it merely produces unhappiness, vexation, etc, without accomplishing desired results.”


    Since the writing of the above-mentioned book the Lord has come to his temple, his kingdom is begun, he is at the temple for judgment, and since then he calls upon those who hear, saying as did Moses: “Who is on the side of Jehovah?” and who will be faithful in proclaiming the truth? No man could be faithful

    W5/1/33 133

    to Jehovah now and fail or refuse to declare God’s vengeance against every part of Satan’s organization. The foregoing letter of the so-called “Bible Student” shows that all such persons went completely blind when they rejected the coming of the Lord to his temple. They did not love his appearing.


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