My son said : not in my dreams anyway ... but only in my dreams of course ... LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Add Singles Topic
by Francois 53 Replies latest jw friends
I've had a rethink on this and son't intend adding any singles section. My reasoning is:
It cheapens the place. It looks like a "meat market". The best way to meet people isn't to go out to meet them.
People would come to me to sort problems out (they do already) and I don't want to get involved. In the past people have got involved then fallen out and expect me to step in and take one side or the other. I would feel that I had some responsibility and don't want it.
Several people have met (and even married) from the forum and I think this is fantastic. I don't think successful relationships happen so much from singles areas though. People should really just get to know people during the normal course of posting. If they are attracted to each other and want to hook up? Great.
There are plenty of dating / singles / meetup sites out there that people can use.
Simon :
Several people have met (and even married) from the forum and I think this is fantastic. I don't think successful relationships happen so much from singles areas though. People should really just get to know people during the normal course of posting. If they are attracted to each other and want to hook up? Great.THANKS GOD ! I AGREE ... already too much places for that ...
I'm game. My JW husband left me this week, stating he had talked with the elders and they "felt I was a danger to his spirituality."
Hey !! That's exactly what the elders and my ex-wife said about me.
How about something in our profile that can indicate our status (single/married/divorced/gay etc) ?
Then if we see a poster that we like the sound of, we can tell immediately if they're available, rather than have to embarrass ourselves by posting them a PM along the lines of "I like you - are you single?" LOL
Singles Topic....or ballroom dance partners???
I posted an ad on!!!
Speaking of Singles.....I took my profile off of toooo weird for meeee...
Man who endangers women's spirituality seeks woman who also endangers men's spirituality.
How utterly weak. Oh well. That's how the world spins.
FDS? You don't need no stinking FDS. All you need is some Mr. Clean in a bucket and a bottle brush of about the right caliber and you're in bidness.
How about some extra fields in our profile like have been suggested already:
Children? y/n, number living at home?
Want a traditional marriage? Just want to live together for a while to see if it works.
You know, stuff like that. That shouldn't be to hard to do. What do you think there, Oh great Simontini????
We hang on your each and every word.
Czar, for a right winger, you are pretty hot.....Now, about that ability to drink you under the table; it's been many a year, but I am willing to give it a go. What do I get if I win?
A big hangover.