Does a generation of overlapping anointed (professed) need bible support?
I know OS GB helpers. According to a previous thread, MS was already partaking in his 20's. GB members are appointed by the WT to GB after years and years of hard work, pioneering, etc, and impeccable character.
This is up for debate: It is Jesus that appoints the FDS before his departure. The GB is appointed by the WT (that is not to say that they are not FDS.)
No matter how you cut it, generation of anointed means 20 years, give or take, before 1914 to 100 years, more or less, after 1914. Hard to find anyone of that generation breathing after that. We will have to see what God means after everything is done and over, however, it is hard to believe that God would deviate from the norm in the meaning of GT generation, pushing it to the extreme limit or using some special meaning of generation not used in the Bible before. Generation of 1914 will not make any sense at all after 2017. That is the final limit. There is however a new definition of generation that I saw in a recent pub that does not apply to anointed. By WT definition of overlapper, any contemporary anointed of FWF is an overlapper, 1992+100=2092, 200 year old generation! - Just before the bi-centennial- Something has to give before 2017.