The greatest of love and peace to you, too, dear DJ! Before we start, I am directed to direct YOU to John 1:33. Now, then...
I'm sorry but I see that statement that you say you have from the Lord is contrary to scripture in many places.
What I have said in my response, as well as what I will explain to you below, is what I received directly from my Lord (Matthew 17:3; John 10:27; Hebrews 12:25), . And HIS mouth, although speaking in "low" tones, utters nothing but truth itself, and sayings that are righteous - Proverbs 8:4-11
That is why he said what he is recorded to have said... at John 5:39, 40... and why those who did so said what THEY said at Jeremiah 8:8, Psalm 146:3, and Proverbs 3:5, 6.
Off the top of my head....Matthew 27:19......
I am SO glad you've brought this verse up! Truly, I am!
There it clearly states to make disciples of all the nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Yes, it does say that there, doesn't it? I'll refer you to Jeremiah 8:8 now, and tell you that such misrendering and mistransliteration is the work of those who believe the Father is a triune god... when in fact, the SCRIPTURES say He is "one" - Dueteronomy 6:4
I don't think there is room for argument about what it says there.
No, I cannot argue with what it says... THERE. But I can tell you what my Lord actually said when he uttered the words, for he has said them to me SEVERAL times... and HIS voice... is true. HE said:
"... make disciples of all the nations... baptizing them... in the name of the Father, INTO the Son... in holy spirit."
And the Acts of the Apostles shows that Paul, an apostle TO THE NATIONS, did exactly that - Acts 19:1-6 (but I would suggest you read the Greek; however, you will also find deviations in whatever translation you choose, since it was up to "earthling man" to translate it. So, how do WE know what is correct? May I again direct you to John 5:39, 40? Thank you!)
The words 'of all the nations' refers to the gentiles as well.
Well, of course, dear one, as "gentiles" are any who are not Jews, including those who are still Israel by means of being Samaritans. Jews were from the 2-tribe kingdom of "Judah", comprised of Judah and Ben-Jah-Min. Samaritans were the other 10-tribes, called "Israel".
We also do well to remember what baptize means literally right (immersion) but I know that you know that! ?
I DO know that... and it is in LIVING "water"... holy spirit... that one should be immersed... IF one wants to be 'cleansed' of their sins. For H20 can only cleanse the flesh (1 Peter 3:21); holy spirit... can cleanse the spirit. And it is NOT the outward appearance of a man that God is concerned with - it is what is INSIDE of a man that is examined. Tell me, can H20 cleanse what you are on the INSIDE? -
Figuratively, it is to identify oneself with the Lord's burial as we 'bury our sins' in his death.
Hmmmm... let me ask you this: on leaving Egypt, ALL of Israel passed through the Red Sea, did they not, in symbol of their baptism into Christ, yes? What water, then, did Rahab pass though? And yet, SHE was counted righteous by God, yes? By means of what?
If one feels the NEED to get water (H20) baptized, who am I to prevent them?! I would do no such thing. However, I want you to count those who've BEEN water baptized... and those who've received and been baptized by the 'promised' holy spirit. And I ask you: for WHICH is my Lord recorded to say that the 'water' would 'bubble up' IN them... to impart everlasting life?
You understand the baptism of repentance for trangression against the Law Covenant; I understand that baptism... of faith. The first, makes "disciples" of men, from John the Baptist... to the organizations of religion today. The latter, makes a disciple of ONE... Christ. Mathew 23:10
Still don't believe me? You need not, dear one. But I am directed to offer you one last verse to read - John 1:33
Perhaps you be able to grasp what is recorded there... and thereby "hear" the Spirit and the Bride when they say to YOU:
"Come! Take "LIFE'S WATER"... free!
Again, the greatest of peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,