by mattnoel 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • mattnoel

    Happy St Georges Day to all forum members in England, I am a little early in posting this 20 mins before midnight but I hope all enjoy this special day in English history.

  • ignored_one

    Oh is that tommorow?

    Better get down the pub then.

    Ignored One.

  • Matty

    Thanks for reminding me! Isn't it strange how this day is largely forgotten by the English? It's a shame we aren't as a nation half as patriotic as the Welsh, Irish or Scottish.

  • TruckerGB

    I remembered St Georges day,any excuse for a pint.



  • be wise
    be wise

    Hope to get down the pub for a few then after work. We're so predictable us British, aren't we, but we love it.

    There's a girl I want to ask out where I work, may be a good excuse.

  • ballistic

    Oh well, I've got a sodding bad cold, good enough excuse to down some whisky!!! Only 5 mins to go to St Georges Day.

  • mattnoel

    Thanks guys - did you know Henry the 8th tried to stop this festival. I feel it is such a shame that it is forgotten. I for one booked the day off, my company is quite patriotic (not patriotic enough to let its staff have the day off, they are wearing red, white and blue instead) we have a flag outside the front door, one large one hanging from the back window and one from the side window, I note also a few of the neighbours have done the same. Why is this not a national holiday like Ireland, Scotland and Wales do ?

    Has anyone also noticed in their area that British/English flags are appearing in peoples gardens or to the front of their houses, I have even noticed in some of the villages that people have actually bought flagpoles and fly their flags with pride. I am sorry but I am proud to be English/Welsh and I WILL fly my flag, never have I said that the foreigners cant fly theirs, so why am I classed as racist if I fly mine ?

    ALSO while on the point - its a good time for a good ol' english p*ss up !!!! Have one on us everyone and we will do the same !!!! BE PROUD OF YOUR HERITAGE WHEREVER YOU ARE FROM WETHER IT BE ENGLAND, USA, FRANCE, GERMANY, SPAIN AND FLY YOUR FLAG WITH PRIDE !!!

    On my way to buy my flag pole as we speak !

    Matt "Not racist just proud of his heritage" Noel

    Sorry have already drunk a bottle of cider ! feel quite druink !

  • ballistic

    Go for it!

  • mattnoel

    Good luck with the bird Bewise, keep us posted mate

  • Pleasuredome

    something i noticed before i joined the JWs was that every named day of the year was pagan apart for St Georges day. maybe thats why nobody bothered with it in the past.

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