Unusual statement in June 1, 2003 Watchtower

by Smiles 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Smiles

    In the second study article of the June 1, 2003 Watchtower, discussing how Jehovah's Witnesses should react when "Gog of Magog" (Satan the Devil) attacks them just before Armageddon, page 21, paragraph 16 says, in part:

    How Will God's Servants React?

    "As never before, true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers authorized by Jehovah and his reigning King to take the lead. These faithful men will direct God's people. Ignoring their direction could end in disaster. Matthew 24:45-47; Hebrews 13:7,17."

    Does it seem unusual that the WT does not here specifically identify those who will take the lead among the JWs during Gog's (Satan's) future attack as "elders", "the anointed" or "the governing body" and merely indicate that "fellow worshipers" will take the lead?

    For the WT to say their leadership will consist of "fellow worshipers authorized by Jehovah and his reigning King" is an extremely vague statement.

    Does the WT contradict itself here when it indicates that "faithful men" will direct the JWs and then slip in the "faithful and discreet slave" scripture (Matthew 24:45-47) at the end of the same paragraph?

    This is contradictory because the WT identifies the "faithful and discreet slave" as the collective group of anointed JWs living on earth at the present time, including FEMALE anointed JWs. So for the WT to limit their leadership to "faithful men" and at the same time also the "faithful and discreet slave", is inconsistent with their own doctrine.

    The paragraph also says: "true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers." That appears to suggest that true JW Christians have not yet placed their trust in these specific "fellow worshipers", whoever they are......

    Any comments?

  • DJ

    Hi smiles,

    I don't have any difficulty with the "will then" part because it is prefaced with "As never before." That merely states to me that it will be unlike before because of the sense of urgency, having to do with their tribulation ideas.

    I do find the 'fellow worshippers' to be a new phrase and it is vague. This watchtower must have the vague theme. Have you seen Undisfellowshipped's thread about that particular watchtower and the UN. (maybe i should say the lack of the UN) Check it out. I don't have the link but I'm sure you can find it quickly. It seems as if the watchtower may have gotten either new writers or new light again. I will try to post the link for you. It is a long thread.....dj

    Here is the link..... www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/50250/1.ashx

    Also, you know I just realized what that 'fellow worshippers' must mean. Are they speaking in reference to their teaching about... after all of the annointed are up in heaven....then there would only be 'fellow'worshippers' left on the earth??. That would make sense because of the gender description. You know, men would still be in a headship role. Ya think?

  • Jourles

    They are simply setting up the R&F for new light that will be coming later. The GB knows that they are dying off and the collective "annointed" class is also dwindling, sort of. Without a group of annointed ones to lead like the GB does, who does that leave? Why, those "fellow worshipers," those of the "other sheep."

    They intentionally leave this statement vague. We already know that the GB cannot just switch doctrine in midstream like they did with the generation. The annointed doctrine is almost just as big and important as the "generation" was. All instruction and direction comes from the "annointed class." Dropping or fast-changing this doctrine will cause another hot potato to deal with and not to mention a slew of defections from the faith which is sure to follow.

    Look for it. The change will come. My guess? Within 5 years.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "Does the WT contradict itself here when it indicates that "faithful men" will direct the JWs and then slip in the "faithful and discreet slave" scripture "?

    Theyre just teeing up for a trime, fast approaching, when they have to dump the notion of the org being led by the cadaverous, toothless, doddery remnant.

  • Englishman
    "true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers."

    I read that as though they are saying to be wary of even their fellow witnesses at present, and not to be place undue confidence in any JW's until then.


  • hooberus

    Since this is april, has the June 1, 2003 WT came out yet?

    Also how can the FDS Biblically be composed of both men and women as:

    1. The text in Revelation implies that the 144k are all men.

    2. The FDS is supposed to be our teacher. Yet the Bible says that women are not to be teachers, thus only men can be.

  • Elsewhere

    I eagerly await the day when all of those claiming to be anointed have died off... this will leave the Jehovah's Witnesses as the only "Christian" religion in the history of the world who's members do not participate in the holy communion.

  • rocketman

    My guess is that by "faithful men" they still mean elders. But I would agree that, by that time, the anointed may all be gone, hence the slighly vague term.

    Or, it may mean nothing at all.

    Or, as Jourles mentioned, it's a new light precursor.

  • sandy

    This is contradictory because the WT identifies the "faithful and discreet slave" as the collective group of anointed JWs living on earth at the present time, including FEMALE anointed JWs. So for the WT to limit their leadership to "faithful men" and at the same time also the "faithful and discreet slave", is inconsistent with their own doctrine


    Why is it that women are worthy enough to go to heaven but they cannot hold the same privileges as men in the Congregation?

    Has anybody ever asked this question to the org?

  • caligirl

    This is exactly the kind of vague directive that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I agree with whoever said that it seems to be setting up for "new light" in terms of a change in leadership- and the possibility of a major one. It also contains the usual threat of impending disaster for whoever is unwilling to go along with whatever new arrangement they will reveal down the line. And, interestingly enough, it claims that those in charge will be directly authorized by "Jehovah and his reigning King to take the lead". So I guess they are again inspired prophets with a concrete line of communication if they are going to claim direct authorization.

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