WT Information site......FAQ's......ahhhhhhg!

by qwerty 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Dear "Had Enough"

    Insight II (on page 245) goes on, after the portion you reproduced, to remove any doubt by saying:

    ".. this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it."

    And the following three additional quotes underline the message:

    "As a soldier of Christ he is in theocratic warfare and he must exercise caution when dealing with God's foes. Thus the Scriptures show that for the purpose of protecting the interests of God's cause, it is proper to hide the truth from God's enemies." {WT Jun 1 1960 p352}

    "a lie is a false statement by one to another one who is entitled to hear and to know the truth, and which false statement tends to work injury to the other" {Riches, 1936, p177}

    "What about Rahab's misleading words to pursuers of the spies? God approved of her course .. a person is not obligated to divulge truthful information .. Even Jesus Christ did not give full details or direct answers when doing so could have brought unnecessary harm." {WT Dec 15 1993 p25}

    So you see, Silly Jesus was all confused when he seemed to be saying that one should tell the truth, that one should not hate people, that one should not speculate as to when Armageddon would come, etc.

    Thank Sheol that we have the Watchtower to point out all of that loser's mistakes!

    (Damn The Liars. Class)

  • Gopher

    Hey Qwerty and all,

    What about Jesus' rule:

    "Let your YES mean YES, and your NO mean NO. Anything in excess of that is from the wicked one."

    So the answer to both the first and second questions is "no, really yes".

    What wickedness!


  • qwerty
  • wheelwithinwheel

    Watchtower dogma : Lying is O.K - when the person being duped is the enemy.

    This is taught in pioneer school a few days into the 2 wk course. 1st Sam. 21 :12, 13 (David pretending to be off his rocker, making crosses, and slobbering on his beard in order to save his skin) is the example quoted and applied. The pions. are usually pretty shocked and the instructor tells them not to go around unnecessarily telling everyone. They he reminds all that it can come in handy to know that: It's O.K. to lie when it becomes necessary .

    (ever wondered why the W.T wins all its cases in Ceasar’s court - now you know)

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