New BOE letter: Re: Survey on Use of Printed Publications

by pixel 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cappytan

    Likely: What they will probably do is print out a special card with an access code or even release the access code verbally as part of the talk. 

    In order to download the publication, you must sign up for a JW.ORG account and give them your e-mail address, name and congregation.

    That way, their Bethel hackers can cross reference the e-mail addresses with apostate website databases. 

    (I actually had a fear before signing up that this website was secretly run by the society to root out doubters and undercover apostates. I'm such a moron.)

  • DesirousOfChange

    A significant percentage will pick "electronic only", then feel nostalgic at the time of the release, and decide they want a hard copy too.Conventions will run out of hard copies long before demand is sated.

    This is a "strategy letter".

    They will intentionally send fewer hard copies to convention sites knowing full well that they will run out, but now be able to blame it on those who failed to adhere to the commitment they made on this survey. It won't be "Mother's" fault that there were not enough copies printed and shipped for distribution.

    "There is a prophet in our midst!"


  • Atlantis


    Thank you very much for posting!


  • pixel
    Atlantis, I will send you a pdf as soon as I can. 
  • galaxie
    Giving in to the demonic internet...'recall the previous advice !!' Is easy when you can save a buck!...hypocrites. 
  • antes8080
    am hug a tree today for that letter, enough with wasting so much paper for crap no one reads

    HAHAHAH!!!! It's really happening!!!! Lol!!!


  • Oubliette
    A printing company that doesn't print anything.
  • _Morpheus
    Capytan, i apprecite you looking at all angels but releasing in that maner would be a logistical nightmare.  Likely they will post them at the start or end of convention season in the usa in the public area.
  • wifibandit

    They Could set up a librarybox to do a live release of the publications.  I run a similar device at conventions, but it is full of Science books and Apostasy!

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