HI Ashitika. Great post - and very good question! I have always had a belief in God, but could not explain WHY some prayers are answered and some seem to go unanswered. A JW always has an answer for everything....but the truth is that we do not know all things.
I was DF'd over 12 yrs ago and spent many years NOT praying to God - why bother?! About 2 years ago I started to study the bible again and started to pray. This time my prayers have been mostly for understanding and healing. I now see prayer in a different light. Take the example Jesus gave in Matthew 6:9-13:
"This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
He first recognizes the position of God and gives him proper respect. God is not some genie that Joe Bob can pull out of his hat because he wants a new minivan. He is the creator of the universe. Yet some people show more respect to the Sales Clerk at K-mart than they do to God in prayer.
"your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,"
Next. Recognize that although you want something from God you may not get it just because you asked for it - and it has nothing to do with whether you're good enough or not. God knows more about your past, present, AND future than you do. Ask for what you want, but also accept that what is best for you may not be the most pallitable at the time. I prayed HOURS to God that I would not be disfellowshiped - I was TRULY repentant of my wrong doing, yet I was DF'd anyways. It was painful and I hated God for not answering my prayer. Now I realise that he WAS answering my prayer. I had asked him to save me.........and he did. My idea of being saved was to not get DF'd - his idea of saving me was to rescue me from the dark bondage I was in.
"Give us today our daily bread"
Jesus tells his followers to focus on the day at hand. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. He didn't ask for a big raise next week or a bigger house - he asked for help to make it RIGHT NOW. I have lost two close family members in the last year and it is really painful. But when I remember this, I pray to God "Please help me make it through THIS day" - and he does. Those days that I pray this way I am stronger and more positive. He doesn't take the pain away - but he gives me the strength to deal with it and move towards healing.
"Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors"
We can ask for something from God, but we also need to work towards that goal. If we pray for help with our finances, then go out and splurge on a $500 outfit we won't see any benefit come from the prayer. If, however, we pray for guidance in the financial area and the willpower not to splurge - and we work in union with that goal we will see results.
"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one"
And last, to be aware of our spiritual need and ask God to guide us in the right direction in all things.
For those who do not have a belief in God - I still believe that prayer is a positive tool. It is a form of meditation and can help a person clear their thoughts - focus more on the goal at hand - and, as sKully put it, "brainstorm". I also believe that God DOES hear the prayers of EVERYONE regardless of their beliefs and that he loves them, cares for them, and will help them if they allow it.