Picking the parts of the Bible that YOU want to follow

by StinkyPantz 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StinkyPantz

    Many Christians I've met like to pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to live by and ignore others. For example, I have a friend that goes to church every Sunday, reads the Bible to her daughter, and prays daily. At the same time, she lives with a man that she never plans on marrying. When asked if she's going to heaven, she says absolutely that she is! How is this possible when she's breaking such a major Biblical law (that is, not to fornicate)?

    If you know of any scriptures in addition to 2 Tim. 3:16 that shows that you should listen to the whole Bible and not pick out the parts you want, I'd like to know.

    I'm not talking about stuff like animal sacrifices. I mean the major stuff like fornication, homosexuality, etc.

  • tech 597
    tech 597

    1 Corinthians 6:9- "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral... will inherit the kingdom of God."

    In verse 18 of this same chapter, Paul opens by saying, "Flee from sexual immorality"

    It seems that the Bible's position on sexual immorality, although not popular, is pretty clear.

    Hope this helps,

    Tech 597

  • crownboy

    See Mark 16:17-19.

    Ask a witness at your door to do those things, and watch their response, they'll likely not heed Jesus' words .



  • Satanus

    You're just too funny, stinky.

    I'm not talking about stuff like animal sacrifices. I mean the major stuff like fornication, homosexuality, etc.

    You just went and picked and excluded some of the bible Actually, every bible person does that. It's just the way the bible is.


  • kls

    You are so right,many times i wondered at jw meetings (lond ago) and arguing with my husband on jw belief's i will say to him, ,,,, if you read the HOLE scripture through it has a different meaning then what they are taught.I tell him it's like reading the front , middle and back of a book and telling me what the story is .People do pick and choose what they want and feel it's in the bible.

  • onacruse

    Hi SP

    The "pick and choose" approach is manifest even in the NT itself. For example, the Jerusalem "GB" stated that "eating meat sacrificed to idols" was forbidden, whereas Paul turns around (clarifies?) less than 10 years later and says it's a matter of conscience (Acts 15; Rom 14; 1 Cor 8); perhaps just one example of what is commonly condemned as "situational ethics." Compare also Paul's directive given at 2 Thess 3 re: "marking" with his subsequent and apparently more conservative statements in 1 Cor 6.

    We can easily imagine the scenario in the early Christian community: "Well, down in Jerusalem, they said this...but I like what Paul says, so I'm gonna keep eating that meat;" "Well, Paul told the Thessalonians to treat miscreants like a brother, so that's what I'm gonna do."

    William Robertson Smith (late 19th-century) broke new ground in discovering the anthropological and sociological dimensions of religion, and in The Historical Approach To The Bible Howard Teeple comments on Smith's work (p. 93):

    ...in primitive tribes, including the Hebrews, religion was not individual but social and tribal.

    imho, "pick and choose" Biblical morality is nothing more than "personalizing my religion, rather than running with a pack of wolves."


  • StinkyPantz


    I don't follow the Bible anyway. I just wanted to show my friend how wrong she is.


    I didn't want to concentrate on sexual misconduct. I want to know what scriptures say to follow the WHOLE Bible.


    She's not a witness.

  • Satanus

    In the ot, living together was ok. It was ok for men to have as many wives as they wanted. It was ok for men to have sex w any nonattached women. It just wasn't ok for women to have more thasn one mate. If you use this part of the bible, where it was ok w god for his people to do this, then by this standard, what your friend is doing is ok. She will be in the same part of heaven as david, solomon, abraham.


  • crownboy

    The scripture does not apply specifically to Witnesses, it would just be funny to see them try to explain it, though .

  • StinkyPantz


    I was thinking about just showing her how contradictory the Bible is. . This very thing proves my point.

    This all started because I said that the Bible condemns homosexuality, and she says this isn't right. It just irritated me that even though the Bible is very clear on it's homophobia, she refuses to accept it. To me it's either all or nothing.

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