by peaceloveharmony 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • goo

    proff - did u and maryanne and/or ginger......well......uh....... ever it? on the island? goo.

    ps were the rumours about the skipper and gilligan true?

    pps. were there any grains for you to synthesize lsd on the island proff? or only coconuts?

  • peaceloveharmony


    hey everyone,

    thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my post, i truly appreciate it. i'm feeling extra lovey today so here's a big hug from me to you((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))

    i know that in real life it is hard to sometimes apply my ducky advice but i think it is important to try to at least keep it in your head somewhere. when i find myself getting riled up over someone's comments, i try to remember to take a couple of deap breaths before responding. our first reaction may not be the best one.

    one thing to keep in mind, you cannot change in one day, this is something that i continue to work on, everyday!


    Sticks and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me

    i remember saying that to myself all the time throughout jr high school. (man, those boys sure were MEAN! )

    wendy, thanks for the great graphic. i love it! kinda goes along with stephanus' "F*** OFF" thought. when all else fails sometimes these words do wonders to push that negativity away...LOL


    "don't let the bstrds wear you down" and "don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff"..and as the great philosopher Alfed E. Newman once said, " worry?"

    i love these larc! especially newman's quote. i think i will use that as my motto from now on


    You and I should get together and rub bills -
    are you as scared of orange sauce as me?

    lolol, i waddle as fast as i can from orange

    jez, wounded heart, flip, mac, tw, nojw, tally, java, think..etc..
    thanks so much for your kind words

    btw java,

    Looks like there might be shortage of coffee this morning with all the early risers. I better pick some more beans!!!

    can you get me some bloody mary mix instead? long night, rough morning

    so anyway, i hope everyone has a great day and remember, QUACK QUACK!

    peace and love

    ps.tally, LOLOL @ your pic story, that is some good advice, maybe i'll try that next time my license needs to be renewed.

    pps. hmmmm, all this talk of drugs.....nevermind, i'm not gonna go there hehe

  • peaceloveharmony

    hahaha, i'm lolol at myself...guess i went a little emoticon crazy!

  • MuzicmanCa
    MuzicmanCa an excellent idea....

    As for me, this last year-and-a-half has been a lesson in not letting others affect me. Particularly when it comes to family. This was the hardest loss of all, when choosing to leave the Witnesses. As a result it was quite some time before I was able to speak to my dad openly about things. I am at a point now where I can tell him what is going on in my life and I don't worry about what his response is towards it. Case in point, I am living with two girls now in Victoria, BC (I am from Arizona). A year ago I would have never been able to tell him this. But now, I could careless about his approval, or more importantly his disapproval. Learning to live in such a way that demonstrated a lack of need for his consent on every aspect of my life has been the most liberating part of leaving.

    Gonna go make coffee now...


  • mommy

    Did anyone ever tell you that you would make a perfect hostess? heehee
    beat that

  • Flip
    …But now, I could careless about his approval, or more importantly his disapproval.

    Congratulations Muz, upon reaching this point of freedom!

    I remember the day I ceased to worry about gaining my JW parents and siblings approval and being on these discussion forums help immensely to that end.

    I’m jealous…Victoria is a beautiful city from my perspective. From what I understand there’s quite a contingent of former Jehovah’s Witnesses residing in the Pacific Northwest and if I lived anywhere near, it would take all of five seconds for me to decide and jump a ferry to meet up with the likes of wasasister, and others for an afternoon.

    Maybe one day…but I’m so “far” away, only in my dreams.


  • JAVA


    'Shades of Gray', wendy, 'shades of gray'. That's what (my) life is. And that's our Latest Statement AGAINST the Black & White Kult, albeit a small one...

    Some people never figure out most of life is "shades of gray." The "Ture Believer" sees everything in black or white because it requires little effort letting others do the driving. Getting off the bus and behind the wheel is for adults able to read the road map. I like the concept of your picture.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Law

    Nice advice. Thats just what I needed

  • digderidoo

    Good advice peace....i like that philosophy.

    Yours dig

    Ordinary people just like you and me...
    We're the keepers of our destiny...

  • myMichelle

    Good advise PLH,

    On a side note, that's why there are long lines and no mirrors at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. As you stand in line running your hand through your hair, wondering how late you are, wondering if that line could move any slower (yes), wondering if the BMV clerk will accept that your weight hasn't changed since you first had it recorded at 16..{ahem} get more and more frazzled. Finally at last it's your turn, joyous joy, but no mirror to check to see how you're gonna look for the next four years. Then the clerk asks you to look some spot, and before you can find it {Flash!}, your picture is taken. Your picture shows you looking rumpled and disoriented, exactly how you will look when a lovely police officer pulls you over to tell you that you just rolled through a stop sign you did not see due to the kids bickering in the back seat.

    Now, could I have a bit of coffee with my cream and sugar please? Ooo-ooo, and one of the Krispy Kreme donuts Empress Waiting mentioned in JW72's thread...thank you.


    The most deadly of all sins is the mutilation of a child's spirit. -Erik H. Erikson

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