I have though survived being electrocuted when I was eight years old and I almost drowned while trying to save someone else who was drowing. He was so scared that he was grabbing my head and trying to use it to pull hiself up. Scared the crap out of me.
Wow! That happened to me too. Fortunately some adults jumped in and saved us both. Didn't have to go to the hospital, but spent several long minutes hacking and coughing. My lungs were burning like they were on fire!
Few celebrities to speak of in my life. The usual celebrity sightings, Robert Mitchum probably being the most famous. I also worked with a US Olympic Silver medalist on a project. In one of my former jobs, I worked around more politicians than I cared to.
I was at Yellowstone during the great fire of 1988.
My husband almost fell off a cliff at Canyon de Chelley on vacation last spring. Whew!
Won a lot of money once. It's all gone now. Had fun spending it.
One day my husband and I were out on a little one lane road in a national forest. Suddenly we were involved in a police chase coming the opposite way. The suspect veered off onto a side logging road just before reaching us. Whew!
Was at Disneyland during an Earthquake in 1989. I was on Pirates of the Caribbean, so the boat didn't shake, but you should have seen the waves!
Was at a volcano in Hawaii when it was erupting and watch them fighting the fire.
Was in Alaska during the great earthquake of 1964.
Was in Oregon during the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. I wasn't in the blast zone, but there was subsequent ash fall all over Washington and Oregon.
In 1996 there was a flood here. Fortunately my house is on a hill. Others weren't so lucky.
Went camping one year out in the woods of Central Oregon and stumbled into a gathering of Rainbow People.
Went to take a picture in Hawaii and stumbled upon a nude beach.
It's been an interesting life.