WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon 865 Replies latest social current
"Everybody at the UN, European Union, France, Germany and Russia, you name it, knew the weapons existed. Saddam admitted it, and the inspectors found banned weapons in 1998. To think that nothing was done from 1998 to 2002 on these weapons is sophistry. This stuff is just too deadly and too easy to hide to play political games with - and I'll tell you this: it's going to be the Wellstone Memorial all over again when these WMDs are found all over Iraq."
Powell, Rice defend Iraq arms charges
By Audrey Hudson
Published June 9, 2003
Bush administration officials yesterday called charges the government exaggerated Iraq's arsenal of weapons of mass destruction "outrageous" and said evidence of the "effectively concealed" weapons is forthcoming.
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said there is no doubt in the intelligence community that Saddam Hussein's government had the weapons.
On "Fox News Sunday," Mr. Powell stood by his prewar remarks that "there can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce more, many more, and he has the ability to dispense these lethal poisons and diseases in ways that can cause massive death and destruction."
The intelligence was determined not only in the Bush administration, but also by the Clinton administration as well, he said.
"There can be no question there were weapons before the war. They have had weapons throughout their history. They have used chemical weapons. They have admitted that they had biological weapons. And they never accounted for all that they had or what they might or might not have done with it," Mr. Powell said.
Mr. Powell said the Iraqis are "masters of deception and hiding" and that it will take time to find the weapons. Proof of the program's existence will be determined by a new survey group in Iraq, he said.
Meanwhile, Miss Rice accused Democrats of creating a "revisionist history" by asserting the information was politicized, manipulated and embellished to support going to war.
"I just don't understand this argument. As I said, revisionist history all over the place," she said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"The fact is, this was a program that was built for concealment. We've always known that. We've always known that it would take some time to put together a full picture of his weapons of mass destruction programs," Miss Rice said.
Mr. Powell said it is "really somewhat outrageous on the part of some critics to say that this was all bogus."
Criticism that Vice President Dick Cheney pressured the CIA to alter its assessments to back a war against Iraq was rejected by Mr. Powell and Miss Rice.
It is Mr. Cheney's "style to make sure that he has all the information available to us in his mind so that he knows what he's talking about. That isn't politicizing, that's doing a good job," Mr. Powell said.
Administration officials also rebuffed news reports that the government was unable to pinpoint production sources for weapons of mass destruction and said the information was taken out of context from a Defense Intelligence Agency report.
Miss Rice said some newspapers practiced "selective quotation" that did not stand up within the context of the document.
One reported sentence said there was no evidence, while the next sentence said they had information chemical weapons had been dispersed to Iraqi units, said Mr. Powell.
"I don't think that the public is as upset about all this or as concerned about this as is the media, which has had a feeding frenzy for the last week," Mr. Powell said.
Military search teams have not uncovered weapons banned by the United Nations after the Persian Gulf war. However two mobile vans capable of making the weapons have been found.
CIA Director George J. Tenet last week defended his agency, saying the "integrity of our process was maintained throughout, and any suggestion to the contrary is simply wrong."
Capitol Hill lawmakers may hold hearings on the intelligence agency's reporting, and British officials have announced they will hold an inquiry on events leading to their joining the war effort. -
what does this BS mean? i take you were privy to that info then?
about the "how to" manuals? yes, and the rest of the world was privy to it as well......you really only make yourself look bad by being so uninformed on these matters. i dont have the time today, as i have to run here, but tomorrow ill come back with some links for you.
if it had been anyone else who had removed pages from a document like this you would have made a big deal of it.
no i wouldnt.....as i said, it wasnt just the u.s. who made the decision, it was agreed upon by all permanent members......why arent you crying about the fact that china didnt want that info in the hands of every government?
sorry i must have been living on another planet.
i've searched for docs pertaining to anyone of the 8,000 pages that the US took out, and funnily enough i cant find any. i check the news often and have never seen anything on them.
what i have read is claims by 'colon' powell that they were a 'catalogue of recycled information and flagrant omissions'. well, if thats what you refer to then i can say that i can sleep easier tonight. powell says this, so it must be true. "dont bother to back up what you say colin, 'cos we believe you." if all you have is quotes from politicians, then dont bother dubla. if you have hard evidence, then i'll put my hands up and say i was uninformed.
why arent you crying about the fact that china didnt want that info in the hands of every government?
'cos it doesnt bloody surprise me thats why! all the permanent members of the security council have had their fingers in the iraq pie. the US were the ones who removed it so that's the focus. dont cloud the issue, hey dubla.
oh, and just a little point about being uninformed. check your own quote out
clause 10 speaks of providing information on iraqs programs to unmovic and the iaea......are there specifically non-permanent members in unmovic or the iaea that were not provided this information? if so, please provide links to back this up....im unaware of it.
non-permanent members in UNMOVIC? what the hell are you talking about? here's a little lesson on what UNMOVIC is
here's what IAEA is
this just another typical example of you arguing about something that you know nothing about, just like the official timeline of 9/11.
Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread, tried to not get involved... but did anyone in the UK see that documentary on the BBC the other day about the truth behind the war where they showed some of the civilian casualties in full colour? I was horrified.
managed to find one newspaper report of the 8,000 pages dubla
not good news though as it doesnt support your argument, oh dear, what a shame, never mind. not hard evidence, but i cant see you providing hard evidence either, but here it is.
translation from a german newspaper website
The USA censor Iraq report
Germany and the other not-constant members of the UN security council receive
version of the weapon dossier only settled. Data concerning foreign suppliers are missingGENEVA taz
Substantial parts of the Iraqi arms report are withheld from the ten not-constant members of the UN security council, to whom starting from January also Germany will belong. From the version of the report intended for it all information about the supplies and the support of foreign enterprises, research labs and governments for the Iraqi arms programs was painted since center of the 70's-years. On this censorship the five constant councillors the USA, Russia, China, France and Great Britain informed themselves. According to data of dpa reduces the report of 12.000 to 3.000 sides.
After information taz from UN diplomats from two of these five countries this censorship was agreed upon primarily on urge of the USA. Among the five constant members of the security council the USA - so the Iraqi arms report - with distance were involved in the strongest in the armament of the regime by Saddam Hussein with means of mass destruction.
The report supplies for the first time a complete overview of it, which the 24 US companies in particular mentioned supplied when to whom with on in the Iraq. And it makes clear, how strongly the administrations of the presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior supported the armament of Iraq in the time of 1980 up to the gulf conflict of 1990/91. Substantial construction units for the Iraqi nuclear weapon and the rocket program were supplied with permission of the government to Washington. The poison Anthrax for the armament of Iraq with biological weapons originates from US laboratories. There Iraqi military and armament expert were trained in the USA and received know-how for their domestic arms programs.
According to estimate of the US Ruestungskontrollexpertin Susan WRIGHT of the University of Michigan a publication of these information would be extremely embarrassing "for the USA". It would remind "humans in the USA of a very dark chapter, which wants to make the Bush administration gladly forgotten". It continues to remain unclear first whether the USA painted not already certain information, before they made copies for the other four constant members. "ANDREAS CLOSE
William Penwell
I have not seen the show you refer to but I have seen a number of photos taken by independent photographers and I agree it is not a pretty picture. Pictures that those that propagate unjust wars of Weapons of Mass Disappearance hope you don't see. Why it not reality but a big show to those American youths that have grown up on WWF wrestling and Arnold Swarzinegar movies.
Hi Dubla,
Sorry, I've been away at work all day with no access to the board. I understand your points, tho I feel opposite. Thanks for replying.
Searchforthetruth, thanks for posting that article. At first, I thought it was bogus, because of the writer's last name Buncombe, which is the whole word for bunk. lol.