? for those who are anti-capital punishment

by StinkyPantz 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StinkyPantz

    This question goes out to people who are against Capital Punishment under any circumstances. I'm talkin' like even if you saw the crime on video, you still believe that CP is wrong because all life is sacred; or because God judges everyone not man.

    I was just looking over Spice's thread "Could you kill?". Everyone so far has said that yes they would kill in order to protect family/friends. So I wonder, if you saw a stranger being murdered and you had the opportunity to stop their death by killing the perpetrator would you? What if they were killing a family member?

    Remember the question is direct towards those who under any circumstance is against CP!!

  • LyinEyes

    Good queston Stinky,,,,,,,,,,,,, I wonder how many are agaisnt capital punishment , even thou they may have a child that has been molested and murdered ? I guess there may be some out there. I am just curious too.

    I can tell you , I would hope I would get to the one who hurt my child before the state had a go at him. I would do everything in my power to get him first and I wouldnt care if I got the electric chair for it, myself.........but that is just me.

  • StinkyPantz


    I can tell you , I would hope I would get to the one who hurt my child before the state had a go at him. I would do everything in my power to get him first and I wouldnt care if I got the electric chair for it, myself.........but that is just me.

    I totally agree, but for some reason many people don't. Of course most people that are against CP, has never had someone in their family murdered or seriously hurt. My best friend (at age 7) was murdered and so was her younger brother and sister. If someone says that a person that could kill three innocent children shouldn't die, then I'd say that person was crazy. Sorry if this offends anyone.

  • StinkyPantz

    Many people's views came out when Christian Longo was sentenced. I want to hear from these people. If they had seen Longo strangling his two year old and the only way to stop him was to shoot (to death), would they have done it?

    Abaddon said: Even when there is absolute proof and it is a crime that beggars comprehension, if killing is wrong, which no one will argue with, it seems reasonable to argue that killing is wrong... even of killers.http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/50240/716007/post.ashx#716007

    Francois said: I'm just not in favor of the death penalty any more. Even for Longo. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/50240/716120/post.ashx#716120

  • Fe2O3Girl

    StinkyPantz, I think your post consists of two questions.

    Everyone so far has said that yes they would kill in order to protect family/friends. So I wonder, if you saw a stranger being murdered and you had the opportunity to stop their death by killing the perpetrator would you?
    What if they were killing a family member?

    I am assuming that in either situation, your hypothetical victim is known to be an entirely innocent party who has been randomly attacked by a complete stranger, which would make it a rather unusual case of murder.

    By "innocent" I mean, this is not a case of Lyin' Eyes catching up with someone who has hurt her children!

    I also assume that the ONLY way to prevent the murder would be to kill the attacker. It is a convoluted and highly unlikely hypothetical situation. Even adding in my assumptions, I don't know what I would do. I suppose this is the sort of situation that an armed officer of the law has to face at times. I guess, if I KNOW that the victim is entirely innocent, and I can simply and easily prevent the attack ONLY by killing the attacker, I would.

    However, I am an individual, and your scenario deals with saving the life of the victim. Legislated execution by the state is a different thing, and in any case does not save the life of the victim - whatever happens to the perpetrator, the victim is still dead.

  • StinkyPantz


    So since killing someone even if they have murdered is wrong, but killing someone to protect a life is okay shouldn't someone kill the executioner so that another is not murdered? Just wondering what you think.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    StinkyPantz, you ask -

    So since killing someone even if they have murdered is wrong, but killing someone to protect a life is okay shouldn't someone kill the executioner so that another is not murdered? Just wondering what you think.

    I don't see either scenario as "wrong" or "okay". I think both situations are terrible - either way, someone is dead.

    What do you mean by "the executioner" in this question? The government? The court system? The person that presses the button? Citizens who support the death penalty? I don't believe that killing any of these people would have the overall effect of saving lives. [:)]

  • StinkyPantz

    Hehe I was kidding anyway. I was talking about the person who actually pressed the button.

  • Azalo

    your scenario and CP are two entirely different things at least in my eyes. but i will humor it. if someone was attemping to harm my children and i could stop it by killing the perpetrator well i can only hope that i would be able to do it (i can not say if i could for sure since i have never been in a situation even remote close to this). however this is completely diffferent from state sanctioned killing which is what CP. i would not want this in any case because you would never be able to ensure any innocent people from being wrongly convicted, killing is only justified (in my opinion) in self defense or defense of another (doing so after the fact does not count as defence)... i'm too tired but that pretty much sums it up

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    A good question SP. Yes, I believe in punishment that fits the crime. The IF word comes into play as to what people may or may not do under life and death situations. Many people PANIC.

    I've seen people risk their lives to save others. It is recommended that you call the proper authorities when you see a crime in progress, this is for your personal safety. Does it make sense to come to the aid of someone when there's lethal weapons on the scene? You need to bear in mind that quick decisons have to be made with a snap of the finger. What would or will you do?

    Some say, kill or be killed. Are you in the position to 'restrain' the person? How about a crowd? So, the IF word comes into play. What we say and what we would do under a life and death situation is not an easy question for most to answer. It's been known that crowds freeze when they see a crime being committed. Again, the IF word comes into play. On the other hand you have a few who are just eager to be in pressure pack situation. The mongoose and the cobra style combat.Yes, you read of stories of people being killed while coming to the rescue of others. We are talking about variables.

    Some people just preferred to be killed than kill to protect themselves or their loved ones. I believe in CP, but it must without any doubts in my mind.

    This is an interesting subject to debate. I respect the opinions of those that differ with mine and I have NO intentions of changing their mind, so be it.

    Guest 77

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