I have long believed that only certain ones deserve to know the truth. I have had the privilege of helping a few in their quest for knowledge. I have been able to help these people while still 'attending' and even 'serving'. Still on-going. Nobody lives a double life as well as I do. One for Christ, and one as a mole... for Christ.
But I also agree that there are some who "deserve it" as one person above mentioned. For example, there was one elder who was getting on my case. I had enough of him. So, I 'bombed his hood'. (Well, that's what "Hawkaw" my helper those days named it. I don't know how many here remember him...)
Yes, I bombed his hood. He went ballistic. He 'railed on' about it at the kingdom hall. Told the whole congo about how he went to all his neighbours trying to dig himself out. Did a full on rant when he got the microphone during a meeting part. Even went to the CO and it resulted in what I call 'honourable mention' at the circuit assembly. (they had a part and talked about it)
I enjoyed it all.
I don't know what's happening with this brother these days. He doesn't attend anymore. He's done. I don't know why, but I am happy all the same. If I had even a minute part, I'm pleased.
In any case, he had something bigger to deal with than bothering me. OOOh la la.
Now, there's a few other elders that are pissing me off. It's time once again to wind up the machine.
How ugly it's going to be for them. I am glad I am not them. Really glad.
Because they are going to have TTATT shoved right down their throats. And probably up the other way too.