
by Darryl 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darryl

    Yes very good I said all those things. This is just an open forum of ideas and thoughts correct? I'm not lodging a formal complaint against Serena Williams to the society. You said that they Are ignoring what she's saying now even though she's saying she's a jw. That's because everything is good and positive if it becomes not so good yes trust me thats another story.

  • oppostate

    The 0rg instructs elders to make an investigative shepherding call on anyone claiming to be a JW who is not abiding by current JW standards of doctrine.

    If they don't claim to be a JW and have faded for years then the elders are counseled to let the matter be "held in abeyance".


    Up until the later half of the 1980's, I believe, a non-baptized member of the congregation could be "disassociated" and shunned if they were found to have been guilty of a ''disfellowhipping'' offense.

    Then there came ''new light'', probably because of legal problems, that a non-baptized member of the congregation could only be announced as "no longer a publisher" and didn't get shunned to the N'th degree, no but, just seen as "bad association".

    Would all those who'd previously gotten ''disassociated'' and shunned now be un-shunned? No.
    Such is the WT's new light. (As in less-filling, must be ;- )

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