Well Orbit, I'm a straight female, and I'd have to agree that you are gorgeous!
Orbiting the sun ...........
by Hamas 16 Replies latest jw friends
Oh yes, Orbiting The Sun: very pretty indeed.
But you know what's funny Hamas? You know these silly avatars we have? It's too bad some of the women on the forum don't put their real photos there.
I can understand why they don't sometimes, but I have seen pictures of various members, and you're only seeing a small percentage of the beauty quotient on this forum.
If you look at my avatar, you can see why my hopes are doomed.
Hi StinkyPantz! Good to see you. How are you?
And yes, RAYZORBLADE, it's true! There are so many beautiful people out there--within this community, throughout the internet, and in our daily lives. I may not understand people, but the diversity in human beauty is definitely enchanting!
That's probably why people watching is my favorite pastime...
another ((((((((((((((((((OTS)))))))))))) fan checking in !!!
I am a fan of yours, too! (((((((((( XenaWarrior ))))))))))
Well, you can orbit my sun anytime .
(I know, that made no sense .)
But seriously, you're definitely one of the more pleasant faces to look at on this site. On the other hand, my yellow skin tends to take many people by suprise.
(NO. 600 !!!!)
El Kabong
You are one of the reasons our state is so beautiful.
El K (MD)