If you know WTC - and most of us here do indeed, the first explanation is almost always a lie. it's second nature to them.
So I am suspicious about why he is no longer serving on the GB. True, they have not offered an official explanation, but the leaked info about the drunkeness at parties - certainly sounds like the truth, but I doubt it is why he was asked to resign or removed from the GB. Some of us here have seen GB after too many drinks. They didn't get removed for it.
I suspect that this is a Red Herring to deflect from the PA investigation which likely involves him in some way. He is not a pedo but his relationship with Ted Jaracz put him in the crosshairs for being called out as an enforcer - a shielder of pedophiles - a bully toward victims.
The timing is just darn suspicious.
Also, the investigation will focus up to 2019. Why? Is it because, as I have heard, that a copy of the abuse database(s) was leaked to the PA AG in the not too distant past - stolen around 2019 so that is where the records ended? That would explain a lot. Let's say Tony's name was flagged. I can easily imagine Warwick deciding that being a drunk was a sufficient cover story (and believable as well) so they hung it around his neck and let it slip that his family was upset over his drunkeness. That will work for a lot of PIMIs better than hearing later that a GB member was arrested for shielding pedos. It might still come out but most indoctrinated JW's will say "His judgement was poor because he was a drunk which came from the atrocities he experienced in Vietnam".
Already that sounds like a softer landing even to me.
As for the other new GB member, he may be a future replacement for someone in particular, OR maybe just a backup when Loesch, Herd or Lett are no longer able to beat people like they did in their prime.
Whatever the case, Bethel is not a place where secrets are kept for long. The narrative story eventually gets replaced by loose lips telling the truth.