Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body

by WingCommander 773 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThomasMore

    I have wondered myself as to why he was removed but honestly, I am a little sorry to see him go. His harshness was proof positive to me what the GB really are. So back to why he was kicked off the GB - it has to be something pretty bad or the secret would have slipped out by now.

    Here are a few theories I came up with after talking to David Splane a couple of beers:

    1. He was Grand Master of a coven of Pedos and the truth got out. (Not likely)

    2. He was smoking so much weed watching 'Apocalypse Now' that the Housekeeper got high when she entered the room to clean and turned him in when he wouldn't share. (Annnnhh - probably not)

    3. He was so inebriated after watching 'The Bachelor' that he walked down to the lobby in his birthday suit to pick up a delivered pizza. (a stretch since he probably has someone else pick up the pizzas when they get delivered)

    4. His laptop was hacked by the IT guy supporting the GB when the hard drive got so full of porn that it would no longer save anymore (possible but most hard drives will compact data before they refuse to save)

    5. His name came up in the PA investigation related to obstruction of justice so he was served at the front desk and the judge considered it sufficient for contact due to his position and the efficiency of the Bethel system to deliver messages. (Oh come on! It's just an outlandish theory all you apologist!! Lighten up!)

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    The news about the removal of Tony Morris is now reported on the web page. The news is thus now reaching the regular public.

    The news is thus now reaching the regular public.

    This will be very interesting 👍👍

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    This month sees Anthony Morris III distanced as a Jehovah’s Witness

    How can they say this with so much confidence?

    Thats more than anyone else knows, they are claiming he is distanced from JWs?

    Is that confirmed? Him and his wife no longer JWs or just him?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    AM3 will be on here soon--if not already ??

  • Rattigan350

    I remember hearing Morris on a monthly broadcast saying that we shouldn't be overly excited about the cry of Peace and Security.

    I don't remember which video was that.

    Would anyone have notes on that?

  • Hellothere

    What about this idea. All apostate get together and chip in some money. Then that money is used to buy bouquet flowers and send too bethel. We could write on the bouquet. " Tony Morris we in the apostate community miss you and hope your we'll". What about that?

  • wannaexit

    I am beginning to think that Morris was partially removed because he has "diarrhea of the mouth". He just openend his mouth and spewed whatever came to his head .

    I remember on one earlier jw broadcast where he intimated that the past governing members didin't always do the right things. Probably no one else would dare to say such a thing.

  • Diogenesister

    Does anyone know where Antony Morris' accent is from? It's very distinctive and unusual..."Mayyy gets"(maggots) . Is it Florida? It's very odd. Sounds vaguely Canadian?

  • DesirousOfChange
    7 days ago
    I remember hearing Morris on a monthly broadcast saying that we shouldn't be overly excited about the cry of Peace and Security.

    As I read this thought I recalled his recent comment about telling is sons that they shouldn't count on seeing the end of this system (or something to that effect). I think he was trying to get that point across to the longtime JWs in the audience -- "Don't count on it, folks!"

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