My First Visit...

by Stephanus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    I am with Prisca & Outnfree here. Can you give us a little background?

  • professor

    Proper attire is a must. You will need a sportscoat and tie or you will stand out like a sore thumb. If you speak to anyone, make sure to avoid phrases like "gosh, golly, and gee". These are considered the same as swearing.

    Don't bother raising your hand during the Watchtower Study, you will not be called on. First you must be introduced to the elders by someone who is studying with you, and then you will be monitored for awhile to make sure that when you are allowed to participate, you won't say anything controversial. To put the elders' minds at ease, say things like "what a privledge!" and talk about the "spiritual food" that you "gleaned" from the meeting. When you are allowed to comment at meetings, make sure you stick to answers from the Society's publications only! In no time at all, you'll be "making the truth your own"!

  • Francois

    Drugs. Take lots of drugs.

    I recommend oxycontin. It will give you a present feeling of peace and security which will be the only place you will get any. And you'll need it.

    You are going to be entering an Orwellian world, a world led by the most accomplished group of propagandists since Joseph Goebbels and Albert Stricher.

    Oh, one question: how long have you been a masochist?


  • outnfree

    OK, Stephanus,

    Reaction, please?


  • mommy

    I was afraid of this. They have kidnapped him, and placed him in the pod Now poor Uncle bruce will not have the weekend with gold and snakes he anticipated.
    Darn Wtbts they always know how to ruin the fun.

  • hippikon

    Step Step can you hear me? Take the red pill.

    If you haven't been yet - Fart loudly - That allways cracks them up. Tell them it's a medical problem. They will feel sorry for you - but won't sit next too you.
    [ ]

    Remember who ever you go with will get a gold star next to their name.

    "But it does move"

  • Englishman


    Are you digging for the truth?

    You may have to look through a lot of S H one Tee.


  • Stephanus

    Sorry folks, but the trip to the local KH didn't happen. One of those things: a suspected heroin addict we know came around complaining of lack of money on Saturday night, so we didn't think it safe to leave the house vacant on Sunday morning while the rest of the family went to (the local presbyterian) church; as it turned out, the boys ended up staying home because they weren't well and the weather was cold.

    I'll probably still go next week; the local KH has two congregations sharing it, Autinmer and Bulli; the Bulli congregation covers my local area and the people there know me, so I'll go to the Austinmer meeting!

    As for background, I've never been trapped in the 'Tower, so to speak, but I lived in a spiritually abusive situation for 6 years in a "discipleship house" run by a pentecostal church. The 'Tower doesn't have the monopoly on institutional spiritual abuse, but they certainly have refined it to the level of an art-form. My coming to this board is a way of dealing with my own past victimisation; reading the stories of how people coped with the WTS and its aftermath is helpful in dealing with the demons of my own past. I also greatly resented that members of the WTS community made fun of my daughter's death 3 years ago; any organisation which encourages that sort of behaviour is sick and needs to be put down!

    As for going to a KH meeting, if I go to an Austinmer cong meeting, noone will know me (unless there's some Austi lurker here who can warn them!), so I'll be safe from being either ignored (hopefully) or love bombed. I'm not planning on dressing in any way which they'd approve of (checked shirt and jeans!).

  • professor

    You are not off to a very good start as a JW, Stephanus!

    JW Rule #1: Spiritual things (like meetings at the KH and everything the WTS tells you to do) should ALWAYS come first.

    JW Rule #2: See rule #1

    These flimsy excuses for missing a meeting would not hold much water with the elders on a "shepherding call" to your house. Don't you love Jehovah?

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Out of your whole post one thing caught my eye. What did they do to make fun of your three year old daughters death. There is nothing funny about that, IMO.
    And if they did do that, why would you want to associate with them? Payback? Something here that I am missing?

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