Evolution is a Fact #26 - Colour Vision

by cofty 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Well explained OP, Cofty.

    It takes me back a year or so to my Sensory Physiology module at Uni. *shivers*

    I remember a conversation me and a few colleagues were having with our lecturer. She said that colour-blindness (dichromatic vision) may have survived to the present because it may have given the male sufferers either better movement detection or peripheral vision (sorry, can't remember which) and was possibly useful in our ancestors' watching out for predators.

    Have you heard about this, or am I just talking nonsense?

  • cofty

    I haven't heard of that LUHE

    The study of macaque monkeys discovered very strong selective pressure for trichromatic vision. Only 0.1% were red/green colour-blind. I suspect that there just isn't the same selective pressure in the case of Homo sapiens who have a more omnivorous diet. Because the MSW and LSW genes are both on the x chromosome we just don't have a back-up to cover for any errors.

  • GodZoo

    Cofty and Co.. you have no idea what my views or beliefs are as I have not stated any yet you assume I'm of a particular camp. All I have said is that people don't simply buy into your version of 'truth' merely because you write it all out so neatly with big words and big names attached.

    There is no hominem attack here either as you and your Detective ally seem to think.. I just pointed out accurately that your three statements directed at me were in fact presumptuous, insulting and labelled me as ignorant (as I have seen you do in countless other threads). How does this get twisted into an ad-hominem attack for goodness sake?

    Scene: You throw stones at me.. I collect stones together and ask why are you throwing these stones at me? You then accuse me of violence? WFT!?

    I'm not attacking the the man.. I'm just poking and rattling the ideas that come from the man.

    Anyway.. bullshit aside.. I was not refuting much.. I just have issues with the accuracy of things like '65 billion years ago humans started wearing Bermuda shorts'.. These are such incomprehensibly colossal chucks of time to be guessing things about.

    You say things are becoming more and more accurate but that's really still not the truth is it now, or necessarily fact either. It's just 'light getting brighter and brighter'.

    And we all know where following that train of junk leads.

  • cofty
    These are such incomprehensibly colossal chucks of time to be guessing things about. - godzoo

    There is no guesswork involved.

    The degree of accuracy is well understood and dates are checked by multiple independent methods.

    If you have the slightest interest in knowing how it's done and why it can be trusted I provided a link above...

    If you prefer to remain smug, cynical and superior carry on.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    It amazes me how people can look at their watch and state with such certainty that this or that happened 65 million years ago give or take a few trillion years..

    People can not even remember their own childhoods accurately yet they want you to believe and base your reality on what they say happened 65 million years ago?

    Godzoo, the "watch" that they use are radioisotopes that deplete themselves in a detectable and highly accurate manner.

    And by the way, I can remember my childhood way back to 12 months of age - its accuracy verified by my aunt, grandmother and mother's diary.

  • GodZoo

    Here comes the gang..

    And by the way, I can remember my childhood way back to 12 months of age - its accuracy verified by my aunt, grandmother and mother's diary.

    12 months is not good enough. I even very much doubt that... you may think you can.. your memories are all selective and fragmented.

    Tit bits from your childhood does not equate with being accurate as to what humans were supposedly doing 65 million years ago for goodness sake. What massive acts of faith I'm seeing displayed here.. stated with the same sure rock solid arrogant and unshakable confidence you displayed when you were all full time pioneers..

    You are all still what you were.. simply wearing different clothes.

    "Life changes.. people do not."

  • cofty

    Isn't is frightening when you think who could be on a jury judging somebody's guilt or innocence based on the same sort of science they have show such utter contempt for?

    godzoo - the dismissive derision in your posts is identical to the attitude we all had as JWs. We stupidly thought it was all a big ungodly conspiracy. That was because we did not have the first clue about how science works. Everything you have said would get a round of applause by the ignorant zombies at any kingdom hall.

    Now you are out the cult make an effort to learn something. Have you read the article I linked? If not why not? Why are you afraid of facts?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    Tit bits from your childhood does not equate with being accurate as to what humans were supposedly doing 65 million years ago for goodness sake.

    I only mentioned my childhood because you brought up childhood memories in general.

    As far as the main point that was brought up you haven't responded to the issue of radioisotope dating techniques. Also, humans weren't here 65 million years ago.

  • cofty
    does not equate with being accurate as to what humans were supposedly doing 65 million years ago for goodness sake

    Humans have only been around for approximately 150 000 years.

  • cofty
    VI beat me to it!

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