What does become interesting into human psychological behavior is when men start reading the bible they start to think about absorbing the power of the Almighty God for and toward themselves, a perceived and perhaps exploitable commodity.
The other established power players like the rest of Christendom were putting forth a false and tainted product, we on the other hand have something pure and honest. C T Russell came to fame by being accepted and acknowledged as a true and accurate interpreter of the bible and its writings.
This is how the WTS. particularly under Rutherford marketed himself to the public. The proclamation that Christ had returned and is now searching for true followers to save from the destruction of Armageddon, lured and coerced people to become a regulated slave to the WTS. and its contrived false commercialized doctrines.
The WTS. and its leaders like C T Russell and J Rutherford gained followers by virtue of those men selling their theological ideas to the public through advertised pubic talks, with books and magazines to be sold after the talk.
Nevertheless the focus was on them, the attention they received was out of people's curiosity and the basic outward belief in the bible, as a kind of true possible spiritual connection to God himself.
Unfortunately the real and actual result is that they were abasing themselves in a connection to mere men and their will and purpose, which for them was the continuing proliferation of the literature they published.