As a 9 year old "minister of the good news", as those cards stated, I felt pretty good about myself. When you are raised to feel that you truly are a MINISTER as God expressed in the Bible, well, it can make you feel "special". ........The only reason I enjoyed being a minister later on in life was because I could go to the hospital parking lot and park in "privileged" parking spots. Oh, tjat's because I was an elder, not merely a minister.
Did You Feel "Special" Because You Were A " Minister"?
by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends
No. I looked at the word "minister" in an entirely different way, because of what the Watchtower taught about it. Didn't they tell us that minister really meant servant? And they always showed the example of "ministry" being when Jesus washed the hot, stinky feet of his disciples.
To me "minister" merely was another word for slave. The activity associated with being a "minister" wore me out, and yet the Watchtower publications kept asking for "more, more" instead of following the "my yoke is kindly and my load is light" approach taught by Jesus.
So... no, unless you meant did I feel especially bad, tired, used up being the Watchtower brand of "minister". Well then, yes.
I don't ever remember having a card, but I don't ever remember thinking of myself as a minister. I remember somebody making a distinction between full-time ministers (pioneers) and us. And the fact that I wasn't recognized as a minister outside of the JWs. So, while I was "ministering", I never felt myself to be a "minister".