If you have not yet come to know and to accept as a way of life the righteous decrees of Jehovah, you have no time to lose. You must act quickly if you are to stand before Jehovah’s executional forces with the mark of true Christian identification. There are many, though, who read these pages who have already recognized their sinful condition before God and who have repented of this bad way and turned around, accepting God’s provision for reconciliation, God’s indescribable gift to mankind, the sacrifice of his dear Son. Does this, then, guarantee for them the continued favor of God, his unchanging mercy exercised in their behalf? Those who have dedicated themselves to God and symbolized this act by water baptism know that continued vigilance is required.
sheep.” (Ezekiel 9:1-7; John 10:16) And what is the “mark”? It is the evidence that we are dedicated to Jehovah and are Jesus’ baptized disciples who have a Christlike personality.
21 Especially now is it vital that we have the “mark” and retain it, for we are deep into “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) To be saved we must ‘endure to the end’ of our present life or of this system. (Matthew 24:13) Only if we thus remain faithful as witnesses of Jehovah will baptism save us.
A dedicated, baptized person faithfully endeavoring to follow Jesus is special to God. Jehovah examines all the billions of human hearts and knows how rare such individuals are. He considers them to be treasures, “desirable things.” (Haggai 2:7) Bible prophecies show that God views such ones as marked to survive the execution of his judgment soon to come upon this wicked system of things. (Ezekiel 9:1-6; Malachi 3:16, 18) Are you “rightly disposed for everlasting life”? (Acts 13:48) Is it your earnest desire to be marked as one serving God? Dedication and baptism are part of that mark, and they are essential for survival.
DID YOU KNOW . . . ?
The act of baptism is a vital part of “the mark” that identifies you for salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
What is the "mark" mentioned in Ezekiel 9? What saves individuals at Armageddon?
***Knowledge book chap. 18 p. 180 Make It Your Aim to Serve God Forever ***
Bible prophecies show that God views such ones as marked to survive the execution of his judgment soon to come upon this wicked system of things. (Ezekiel 9:1-6; Malachi 3:16, 18) Are you "rightly disposed for everlasting life"? (Acts 13:48) Is it your earnest desire to be marked as one serving God? Dedication and baptism are part of that mark, and they are essential for survival.
People not baptized as JWs will die at Armageddon per the WTS. Do you see what the push is there for children to get baptized, why parents think that if Armageddon comes tomorrow, their children are toast.........
Have jws said this to you?