What`s wrong With American Politics ?

by smiddy3 21 Replies latest social current

  • smiddy3

    What`s wrong with American politics ?

    96% of American people who got off there arse to vote, chose Hillary Clinton to be president of the United states of America over Donald trump.

    And the Electoral College overode the will of the majority of the people who bothered to vote , and gave the office of President to Donald trump who was the 2nd choice, an also ran , of the will of the people.

    It`s a furphy to say that some larger blue/red states can dictate to smaller red/blue states or vice versa to rig the elections ,simply because people can, and do change there preferences in any one state whether it be traditionally red or blue.

    Both Democrats and Republicans are both guilty and responsible for the gerrymander that is the Electoral College.

    There I`ve said it ,

    Nobody else seems to be able to say it how it is ,

    Now for the backlash.

  • Sea Breeze
  • LoveUniHateExams

    96% of American people who got off there arse to vote, chose Hillary Clinton to be president of the United states of America over Donald trump - you sure about that statistic?, lol ...

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Political parties. Ask a question and if an answer is given (lots of dancing around really saying anything) it is the party line. I want a representative who will address my wants and needs, while being aware of needs others have so as to not trample on them.

    Have one party who wants nothing but more taxes and control; the other wants to make everything private money. Medical care? Free? Or anything you can afford? No in between

  • DesirousOfChange
  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    96% what the heck are you talking about? 😅 Hillary won the popular vote by less them 3 mil. out of almost 66 mil.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    The United States in not a pure democracy. It is a Republic.

    From the citation above: "The Founders had no intention of creating a pure majority-rule democracy. They knew from careful study of history what most have forgotten today, or never learned: pure democracies do not work.

    They implode.

    Democracy has been colorfully described as two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. In a pure democracy, bare majorities can easily tyrannize the rest of a country. The Founders wanted to avoid this at all costs."

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    "Because the system encourages coalition-building and national campaigning. In order to win, a candidate must have the support of many different types of voters, from various parts of the country.

    Winning only the South or the Midwest is not good enough. You cannot win 270 electoral votes if only one part of the country is supporting you.

    But if winning were only about getting the most votes, a candidate might concentrate all of his efforts in the biggest cities or the biggest states. Why would that candidate care about what people in West Virginia or Iowa or Montana think?"

  • Simon
    96% of American people who got off there arse to vote, chose Hillary Clinton to be president of the United states of America over Donald trump.

    Are you really that stupid? You actually believe that Clinton won 96% of the vote? Or that she even got 96% in polling?

    THIS is what's wrong with American politics - they let "low information voters" vote. Let me guess, you get your "information" from the media, right?

    You should go and study how the US election system works, what the results of the previous election actually were and what "probability" means.

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