Man, the last letter is completely hilarious
2015-BOEs For Volunteers/Application Forms!
by Atlantis 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
That last letter tho 😨😂 -
JW GoneBad
Question 3b of application: "In the past year, have you viewed material inappropriate for Christians, such as movies or videos featuring violence, spiritism, or sexual immorality? Or pornography in printed form, on the Internet, or otherwise?"
4th BOE letter: "Therefore, if you have viewed any type of pornography within the time period specified on your application, please do not apply at this time. We, urge you to seek the help of your congregation elders right away. Jehovah has appointed these loving spiritual shepherds to care for you and assist you with any challenge you may face."
Many, not some, but many if not most elders and ministerial servants are the greatest violators of the above; especially in regard to viewing pornography!