I got up yesterday morning (Saturday) and enjoyed the watchtower work

by Zoos 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Zoos

    Reaching the fire watchtower on top of Wayah Bald overlooking the Smokey Mountains can be a difficult hike from Nantahala lake up the Bartram and Appalachian trails where they straddle each other passing through this area.

    The most enjoyable watchtower work I've ever participated in.

    The views from the tower are spectacular.

    Looking across Nantahala Forest to the Smoky Mountains, described poetically as β€œthe most elevated peak; from whence I beheld with rapture and astonishment, a sublimely awful scene of power and magnificence, a world of mountains piled upon mountains.” - William Bartram, 1773

    .... Oh, you thought I meant "Watchtower"!? LOL No, no , no... LOL

  • 20years_to_get_free
    You were in my neck of the woods. Sorta. I've been up there many times. It is truly gorgeous. Did you drive the "Tail of the Dragon".? We love that drive. Too bad it was too early for the Autumn color change. But, to be honest, we don't get great color change in TN.
  • Petraglyph
    Ha :D
  • Zoos
    Too bad it was too early for the Autumn color change.

    Actually, there was spectacular fall color yesterday. The pictures I posted above were taken a month or so ago when I did the same hike. Yesterday was kind of drizzly and I didn't take my camera with me.

    Tail of the Dragon - never heard of it. Just googled it and it's about 40 miles NW of where I was. That whole area is rapidly becoming my favorite place on earth so I have no doubt we will be exploring the Tail of the Dragon before too long.

    Looks like it would wear out a set of tires real fast.

  • Vanderhoven7
  • SecretSlaveClass

    The entire Appalachian Trail is on the books for the wife and I one of these days. So far we have only done small pieces of it.

    Absolutely beautiful view you had there and I have noted this area. Thank you!

  • cultBgone
    Beautiful photos for a Sunday morning, thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading about the tower online, too. Hope to be post some fall leaf photos in the upcoming weeks!
  • 20years_to_get_free

    Every time we buy a new car, we run it up the Tail to "break it in". It's become something of a tradition. Fun drive. My husband wants to do it on motorcycles, but you'll never get me on those death traps. πŸ˜‹

  • Zoos
    My husband wants to do it on motorcycles...

    I like your hubby already. Ask him when he wants to meet. I'll be at the starting line with my Suzuki.

    Last one to Tapoco Lodge is a governing body member.

  • Oubliette
    Beautiful, thanks for sharing.

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