That's because the majority of JWS are contently self consumed that they have the truth and the rest of the people out in world do not, they have Jehovah's approval offered by his earthly organization (WTS.) selectively placing themselves on a higher plateau of righteousness.
JWs are quite content watching the rest of humanity die off, while they gleefully gain everything good in material form for themselves.
That's why JWs don't care about people outside of their identifying group, they are evil and therefore should be destroyed because of that or the way the WTS's leaders put it, disobeying Jehovah, which makes them evil.
They are pressured to sell and promote the WTS's literature and are trained under that concentrating endeavor and that's part of showing respect to Jah , a way of direct appeasement to him.
Once again its worthy to point out that the WTS is a religious publishing house and its inherently expressed doctrines are design to stimulate proliferation toward those published works. Of course its always labeled as true bible interpretation out that pressing support.
Its another reason why the WTS/JWS is quite often described as a fear mongering religious cult.