King of the North / South predictions
by Gorb 10 Replies latest jw friends
Having watched prophetic interpretation for many years, by people who have a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other, I know that, like a number 12 bus, there'll be another one* along soon. π
* Candidate for king of North and South, that is
I am still waiting for a single Watchtower prediction to come true. Even our broken mantle clock is correct twice a day. :)
Good grief.
King of the north - Seleucid Dynasty
King of the south - Ptolemaic Dynasty
That is all.
(I realise Gorb doesn't directly push the kings of the north/south as a personal belief but more of an observation of the JW views, but I anticipate this thread still attracting the crazies.)
WT predictions always proved true Russia and their allies were North USA/UK were king of south
now Trump&Putin have a bromance going on and UK is siding with Europe and Ukraine
new light needed?
raymond frantz
I don't believe that either king of the North or king of the South are the ones to worry about but a third king in Daniel 11:40 who is being attacked by both king of the North and king of the South, this king i believe is the Antichrist. If this is the case then an alignment between the king of the north and the king of the south is anticipated ,similar to the one we see today? But the verses are not that specific so I can not be dogmatic about any interpretation. Replace HIM with Antichrist below and the verse will make more sense:
Daniel 11:40
βIn the time of the end the king of the south will engage with HIM in a pushing, and against HIM the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and HE will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood.
ElderBerry: WT predictions always proved true
Is it Opposites Day or something???
<<<< Child of the 80's here.
My Gawd......I remember the endless, mind-numbing speculation at every home bible study as to whom this was, when it was to happen, etc......thru countless books of the WatchTower Rainbow book series, which all went along with Fred Franz's "types and anti-types" made-up bullshit.
It was waste of my youth then, and it's a waste of my adult time now.
"No one knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, but only the Father."
BOOM. Done. That 1 verse puts it all to bed. It'll be over when it's over.
This verse really sums up the WatchTower cult to a "T":
Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 KJV. And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
The ENDLESS study of WatchTower literature is 1000% "Weariness of the flesh."
Ecclesiastes 12:12-14 KJV. And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
It's funny, they used to use that scripture sometimes to claim that secular research and study (eg: at university) was pointless, but never realised the irony that at the same time they were producing - and changing - book after book of their own.
However, I've not heard that verse used for ages now. Probably they realised how well it applies to the JW org itself, especially since they change their publications even more now, and did a wholesale dump of their "old light" just a few years ago! Now almost all the publications printed before 2010 are just so much waste paper and never referred to.
Anyone who has been in the congregation for more than about 10 years can now look back and see literature they studied diligently and were told was vital "spiritual food" has been consigned to the dustbin of history and forgotten. The Daniel's Prophecy book of the 1990s was the last one to outline in detail their beliefs of who the Kings of the North and South were through history, and it came out just after the fall of the USSR so it ended with a comment about how Russia was the latest King of the North until that point, but who knows who it might be in future?
Since then, they've not revisited the KoN/KoS history in detail, although I seem to recall there was some article recently that pretty much undid a lot of the precise explanations given in the Daniel book by saying something like "we don't know what the identities of the two kings were at every point in history, but we do know the KoN and KoS today are Russia and the UK/USA". Typical of their recent erasure of the past teachings from the Franz era. -
Thx, great reactions.
I stopped with this history nonsense because of the Daniel and Isiah bookstudy.
It seeked the writere used to smoke pot for inspiration.