Not training speakers/teachers any more?

by eyeslice2 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice2

    Not having attended any meetings since about 2001, for reasons of safety (sounds a bit dramatic but I don't like my wife being out on her own late at night where we live now), I have started accompanying her to the mid-week meeting.

    When I was young, the ministry school and service meeting were central to training brothers to take the lead. You were assigned instruction talks, then if you cut it, you moved pretty rapidly to public talks - a full 55 mins at the time. I was just 18 years old when I gave my first public talk and this was a first step to moving rapidly through the ranks. I was only 19 years old when I was appointed group study conductor, in those days a key teaching role as you had the opportunity to interact with a relatively small group of publishers.

    I was so surprised to find how different they are nowadays to when I was 'in'. No instruction talk, all the parts carefully orchestrated by head office, no room for any of the elders to put a personal or local spin on things. So, it is very apparent to me that the GB are not particularly interested in training speakers and teachers any more. Whilst I don't expect they will become a totally internet based religion with no meetings, I do suspect that in future all parts will done as pre-recorded items from head office. Elders will no longer be primarily teachers as such but merely 'enforcers' tasked with making sure the flock keep in line with whatever is dished down from above.

  • waton

    Most of the microphone time is actually claimed by sisters that seem to get their jollies by lecturing the congregations during Question and answer sessions,

    Leading questions carefully crafted by wt, ruminated on by the "great army"

  • iwantoutnow

    Yes its over a long time ago.

    It started with ending the Bookstudy at homes, which was a major way you got MSs to start learning.

    Then the Instruction talk was cut out, big blow to having a chance to learn how to speak publicly, and to teach.

    Then the Public talk was cut from 1hr to 30 min, which was VERY good since 90% of speakers made you want to stick a fork in your eye. But again LESS TEACHING.

    Then the School getting cut.

    All meetings basically being VIDEOS.


  • Vidiot

    Another symptom of "closing ranks", "circling the wagons", "siege mode"...

    ...take your pick.

  •  The Bethelite
    The Bethelite

    "Whilst I don't expect they will become a totally internet based religion with no meetings, I do suspect that in future all parts will done as pre-recorded items from head office."

    Why not? Once they sell off all their kingdom halls to pay for their many law suits... it may become just that.

    People with be going to their lap tops to get their "spiritual food" with assemblies once or twice a year.

    The Watchtower Bible and Truck society use to be a publishing company and is now moving into being a media organization.

    Who knows maybe they will even have their own TV station.....

    Follow the money my friend

  • Vidiot

    Not to mention than morphing into an e-religion (as Barb Anderson put it) could also theoretically mitigate accusations of harboring pedophiles in the congregations.

    No physical congregations, no harboring.

    The downside - from the Org's POV - is that said morph would also theoretically make it that much easier for faders, fakers, and fence-sitters to GTFO...

    ...unless, of course, the Org actually wants a leaner, meaner membership anyway.

  • waton
    eye. But again LESS TEACHING.
    Then the School getting cut.

    Iwon.: this week's wt study par 10 refers specifically to training sessions in "field service" not speaker training. so: imitating fuller brush.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Most of the microphone time is actually claimed by sisters that seem to get their jollies by lecturing the congregations during Question and answer sessions,

    Reminds me of one of the last meetings I attended, a local elderette gave one of her long and preachy comments during the Watchtower study. Afterward, in his closing talk, the visiting Circuit Overseer counseled the sisters not to be instructing the audience from their seats when commenting at the meetings. Everyone was suppressing a smirk because we all knew who he was talking about.

  • careful

    Thx, eyeslice2 for the post, and waton for the comment.

    "this week's wt study par 10 refers specifically to training sessions in 'field service' not speaker training"

    Yeah, TRAINING them to hand out a tract that refers the non-Witness to the org's website. That's a whole lot of "training," eh?

  • waton

    With amalgamated congregations you have a lot of "silverback" overseers now competing for fewer and fewer talks,

    The last thing these gorillas want is educated younger minds (except their sons) getting any time on the platform. that is why they support wt policies. the want to be top monkeys forever.

    Overseer counseled the sisters not to be instructing the audience from their seats when commenting at the meetings.

    PZ, A brave man, he will go without a green handshake from now on.

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