I can understand, OldHippie, how things can get confusing in these shifting sands of doctrine. If I read these references right, the WTS, quoting its own sources, still claims the UN is the King of the North.
WT article January 1, 2003, "Keep on the Watch" page 19, paragraph 5
...So our reviewing from time to time the Scriptural proof that we are living close to the end of this system will help us not to lose sight of the important truths regarding that coming end*. It is also good to take note of unfolding world events that fulfill Bible prophecy.
* Six Convincing Lines of Evidence WT January 15, 2000 We are living in the time of the eighth and final "king" mentioned in the prophecy recorded at Revelation 17:9-11. This eighth king - the last one that John envisions-now represents the United Nations.
JG you seem a tad confused. The Watchtower has never identified the UN as the King of the North. Up until recently the King of the North was taught to be the USSR. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, there is some vagueness to who the King of the North now is. The eighth king has nothing to do with the King of the North.
Man I can't believe I can still explain this nonsense.
Hey JG: What is the difference between these 2 phrases?
"This eighth king - the last one that John envisions- represents the United Nations"
"This eighth king - the last one that John envisions-now represents the United Nations"
If it represents the UN NOW ....will it still represent the UN tomorrow? I point this out because Ive seen that word "now" used so many times in flying saucer cults that it isnt funny.