Thanks Earnest, actually that profile was not the definitive answer for me as to the question "Is Edgar.G.Foster a J.W." But I have just downloaded his paper on Christology and the Trinity,and he certainly is a J.W, he says as much within the Paper.
Yes, I am surprised that someone of his obvious Academic ability is a J.W, but then I was equally surprised when first coming across Rolf Furuli many years ago. Furuli made a fool of himself eventually by stepping outside his area of expertise to try to prove the 607 BCE nonsense, he has since been DF'd, but as far as I know is obviously too proud to admit he was wrong about a lot of things to do with 607 BC E. Including his assessment of Babylonian Astronomical tablets.
I think Edgar G Foster must be like a number of Academics from various fields who are Believers in certain things I would not give credence too, because they have not made a deep study of such matters perhaps ?
I have only briefly glanced at the paper I downloaded, and it seems to me he has J.W bias in his attitude to the N.T. but then many Academics have a bias based upon their beliefs, evident in the Christian Academics who would have an opposite view to E.G.Foster's. I agree with what he says though in that paper, that the N.T does NOT teach what trinitarians claim !
I think his mainly positive Review is enough to persuade people that the Wallace Greek Grammar is worth buying !